Do you know who it is yet Rolf Harris?

IF THERE’S one face Rolf Harris ought to be familiar with, it’s the Queen’s. After all, he once painted her portrait.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Her Majesty goes on a Diamond Jubilee walkabout near her home in Windsor Her Majesty goes on a Diamond Jubilee walkabout near her home in Windsor

Camera in hand, the veteran entertainer and artist looked keen to capture her image again yesterday as Her Majesty went on a Diamond Jubilee walkabout near her home in Windsor.

Rolf, best known for his catchphrase “Can you tell what it is yet”, wore a patriotic coloured top for the short trip from his home in the nearby village of Bray.

He painted the Queen’s official portrait for her 80th birthday in 2006 and is not exactly a stranger to Buckingham Palace, dropping in for his MBE in 1968, an OBE in 1977 and a CBE in 2006.

Later this month Rolf, 82, who left his native Australia for Britain in 1952, will perform for the Queen at a Jubilee pageant at Windsor Castle.

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