The Queen’s wit is far from dampened by hail

THE Queen was forced to shelter from a hailstorm yesterday – before giving her own pithy verdict on British’s shivering, soggy spring.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen cracks jokes while sheltering from the rain yesterday The Queen cracks jokes while sheltering from the rain yesterday

Ducking with her royal watchers in a tent while touring a festival at London’s Richmond Park, she found herself listening to a choir celebrating the joys of the month of May.

“How can they sing with their tongues in their cheeks?” she asked, as heavy rain pelted down.

It was the wettest day yet of the 86-year-old monarch’s Diamond Jubilee ­journey around Britain.

BBC natural history presenter Sir David Attenborough, who helped to organise the Wild London festival, praised the Queen, her 90-year-old husband Prince Philip and the crowd for showing a typically British stiff upper lip during the heavy showers. The Queen came across a familiar face at a centre for children and adults with learning disabilities.

Veteran entertainer Rolf Harris, a centre patron, had met her only two days earlier at a pageant at Windsor Castle.

How can they sing with their tongues in their cheeks?

The Queen

“We must stop ­meeting like this,” they said at the same time, giggling.

Outside she met Jed, a shire horse who has given a decade’s loyal service to the Royal Parks, and was asked to take part in his ­retirement ceremony. But as she approached, Jed did not stand on ceremony and answered a call of nature.

More than 1.5 million Britons will see the Queen on her Diamond Jubilee tour of Britain.

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