Portrait of Queen that paints a growing likeness to her mother

LIKE mother, like daughter...a new portrait of the Queen for her Diamond Jubilee highlights her growing resemblance to the Queen Mother as the years progress.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The striking similarity between the Queen Mother and the Queen is shown RadioTimes Rex The striking similarity between the Queen Mother and the Queen is shown/ RadioTimes/Rex

Comparing the portrait with a photograph of her mother at around the same age reveals they share dewy, flawless skin, have a strikingly similar youthful glow and the same glint of merriment in their eyes.

Indeed, the image of the 86-year-old Queen appears to provide support for scientists who say daughters inherit the ageing process down the maternal line.

The Queen Mother retained her sparkle until she died in 2002 at the age of 101.

The souvenir portrait was created by Sir Peter Blake for the cover of this week’s Radio Times. The artist is famous for perhaps the most iconic pop image of all time – his 1967 cover for The Beatles’ Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover.

His collage of life-sized cardboard models of famous faces with the Fab Four secured his reputation but it failed to make his fortune. He earned a flat fee of just £200.

The Queen s portrait on the cover of the Radio Times The Queen's portrait on the cover of the Radio Times

He has since enjoyed a healthy income and, with property, is a millionaire but Sir Peter, 79, told the Radio Times: “Five years ago I was totally broke. I had no cash and no way to earn it.

“My credit cards were refused and bailiffs turned up at the house. I was very upset. It was to do with tax.

“Now I’ve reached the happy position that, mainly through printmaking, I’m not likely to be broke again. I earn the right amount for someone of my age and situation in the art world.”

The Queen turned Sir Peter down for an official portrait in 1969 but he remains an ardent fan. “I’m a royalist. I was in the crowds with my grandmother at her wedding to Philip, the victory parade after the war and lots of royal events,” he said.

The Queen turned Sir Peter down for an official portrait in 1969

He is not alone. A new wave of patriotism appears to be sweeping Britain as the Diamond Jubilee and Olympics approach. Six in 10 Britons have a greater sense of national pride now than ever before, a poll of 2,000 people by Hovis found yesterday.

The monarchy was voted the top symbol of “Britishness” by 45 per cent, ahead of a traditional afternoon tea, which polled 35 per cent. Appropriately, the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant taking place on Sunday is a combination of both.

The Queen and other senior royals will enjoy a classic British high tea as they sail down the river on the royal barge, the Spirit of Chartwell, the Daily Express can reveal.

After canapes, the Royals, including Prince Charles, Camilla, Prince William, Kate and Prince Harry, will enjoy cucumber, egg and cress, ham or roast beef sandwiches.

There will also be Dundee cake, Irish Barmbrack cake, and Welsh cake, as well chocolate-dipped Somerset strawberries and trad­itional scones with clotted cream and jam. The meal will be served with English tea and English wines.

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