Camilla joins memorial crusade

THE Duchess of Cornwall kneels to paint a special invisible signature on a war memorial yesterday – part of a scheme to protect Britain’s 100,000 monuments from metal thieves.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Duchess of Cornwall paints an invisible signature on a war memorial in Hyde Park The Duchess of Cornwall paints an invisible signature on a war memorial in Hyde Park

Camilla marked the Royal Artillery Memorial at Hyde Park Corner in London with the state-of-the-art SmartWater signature that is visible only under ultraviolet light.

It will help police trace any that are stolen.

She laughed when a photographer joked with her: “All of it. You’ve got to paint all of it!”

The Duchess, who is patron of the War Memorials Trust, was lending her support to efforts to mark all of Britain’s monuments in the run-up to the 2014 centenary of the outbreak of the First World War.

Thieves targeting memorials, historic buildings, schools, churches and cemeteries are stealing metal worth £700million every year. But authorities believe they can dramatically cut the illegal trade by using forensic marking,

All of it. You’ve got to paint all of it

The Duchess of Camilla

which can withstand burning, sand blasting and long-term exposure.

Frances Moreton, director of the War Memorials Trust, said: “The more the criminals become aware that there is a

chance that the metal on the memorials is marked, the greater the chance they will leave them alone.

“But the best way of protecting them is for people to keep an eye on them. We pass so many – there are 100,000 of them – every day, they tend to fade into the background of people’s lives.”

Last year the Daily Express launched its Shop The Vile Vandals crusade to encourage communities to stand up to

scrap metal thieves.

Camilla, who paid her respects at neighbouring Australian and New Zealand war memorials while she was at Hyde Park Corner, also met pupils from The Knights Templar School in Baldock, Hertfordshire.

They have been studying their local war memorial as part of history lessons after youths started skateboarding

around it.

The Trust went in to speak to children to teach them about honouring Britain’s war dead.

Year nine pupils have been using the Trust’s research to learn about some of those who lost their lives in the two

world wars and who are commemorated on the monument in Baldock.

History teacher Richard Robertston said: “There are names on that memorial from families in the town who still

have pupils at the school and I think to myself that must be the grandfather or great-grandfather of someone I’ve


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