Diana: A lamb to the slaughter

PRINCESS Diana feared the Establishment, complaining she felt like a lamb to the slaughter, her former private secretary said yesterday.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent


Patrick Jephson, who spent six years in the job, said she felt under threat after royal advisers and powerful figures behind the throne lined up against her.

She had incurred the wrath of the Royal Family when in Andrew Morton’s 1992 book she said of her wedding: “I felt as though I was a lamb going to the slaughter.”

Her criticism of Prince Charles and his camp in a 1995 BBC Panorama interview brought further anger.

Giving evidence to the inquest examining claims that Diana and her lover Dodi Fayed were murdered in a 1997 Paris car crash by spies on the orders of Prince Philip, he described a climate of fear that led the Princess to regularly claim that someone was out to kill her.

Michael Mansfield QC, representing Dodi’s father Mohamed Al Fayed, asked if the book’s revelations would have been seen as a betrayal.

Diana had “mortally offended elements of the Establishment with her part in this gigantic piece of whistle-blowing”, said Mr Jephson, who published his book in 2000.

Her fears were “the result of the very difficult and painful position she found herself in”, he said.

Diana, he said, saw plots everywhere, yet he found no evidence of them. She even thought someone had taken a pot shot at her with a gun in Hyde Park.

But Mr Jephson, a former Royal Navy lieutenant commander, said he regularly warned the Princess to assume security services were bugging her calls.

He never had direct evidence, but did admit: “I also know that certainly on one occasion one of the police officers on royalty protection duty had list of calls purported to have been made from the Princess’s phone.”

He agreed that Diana thought her father-in-law was upset with her after the marriage failure.

“It is fair to say that she felt he was angry with her,” he said. But the letters he had seen in 1992 from Philip to Diana were “well-intentioned”.

He added: “As I recall, they were quite balanced, but it’s quite possible to read the same document in two different ways.

“I think I was surprised she seemed to choose to read them in a less sympathetic light.”

The inquest continues.

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