The cost of the Duchess of Cambridge: Prince Charles' spending rises

PRINCE Charles spent an extra £690,000 last year, much of it because the Duchess of Cambridge joined the Royal Family, his annual accounts showed yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Charles spends a lot of the money on the Duchess of Cambridge pictured Prince Charles spends a lot of the money on the Duchess of Cambridge (pictured)

Charles’ spending in the year to April, including the cost of clothes worn by his new daughter-in-law as well as other extra expenditure incurred by having a new member of the family undertaking royal duties, rose by £620,000.

His private expenditure, including his share of the cost of the royal wedding, rose by £70,000.

But Charles, who pays for most of the official costs of running a household that includes not only his wife Camilla but also his two sons William and Harry and new bride Kate, saw his income rise by 3.6 per cent in same period to reach £20.4million.

That included £2.1million in grants from Government departments and £18.2million from the surplus from his £728million Duchy of Cornwall property empire, the hereditary estate of Princes of Wales since 1337.

It would be impolite

An aide

Aides refused to say exactly how much Charles spent on the Royal wedding or the outfits.

“It would be impolite,” said one.

However, it is understood that the Queen, Charles, and Kate’s parents Michael and Carole Middleton shared a total bill of less than £500,000 between them for the family parts of the wedding, while around £20million of taxpayers’ money went on planning and staging the national celebration at Westminster Abbey on April 29 last year. Kate’s outfits have been estimated to have cost £35,000 a year but have made her one of Britain’s most powerful fashion ambassadors. A senior royal aide insisted: “There is minimal additional cost to the taxpayer of having an extra member of the Royal Family.”

The heir to the throne’s household employs the full-time equivalent of 134.9 members of staff.

Among Charles’ personal employees are three chauffeurs, the equivalent of 2.5 valets and dressers, and 5.3 chefs and kitchen porters. All staff got a 2.9 per cent pay rise in January, a year after most were asked to accept a pay freeze.

He also employs Camilla’s sister, interior designer Annabel Elliot, and paid her £172,557 in the year to April in fees, commission, and for furniture and furnishings in holiday cottages let out by the Duchy of Cornwall.

Charles, who voluntarily pays 50 per cent tax on his income after official costs, handed over £4.4million to the revenue, up marginally on the £4.3million he paid last year.

His official travel, paid for through grant-in-aid from the Government rose from £1.1million to £1.3million.

Despite the Prince’s green reputation, his household’s carbon emissions, including foreign travel, domestic energy use and energy use by Charles’ organic Home Farm at Highgrove, increased threefold from 438 tons to 1,206 tons.


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