Cheat given 662 years to pay back £40k

A BENEFITS cheat who swindled nearly £40,000 has been given 662 years to pay it back – at £5 a month.

It will take 20 generations of Allison Houlahan s family to clear the debt It will take 20 generations of Allison Houlahan’s family to clear the debt

It will take 20 generations of Allison Houlahan’s family to clear the debt.

Houlahan, 47, was spared prison after a court was told she was manipulated into making false claims by her controlling husband Kenneth.

She claimed £56,670 in income support, housing benefit and council tax relief.

Her deceit meant she was overpaid £39,975 in income support alone.

Durham County Council insisted the prosecution showed it “meant business” in the fight against benefit fraud. But there was anger over a crime which last year cost taxpayers £1.1billion.

Robert Oxley, of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “When someone is caught defrauding the system they should have to pay the consequences. A custodial sentence should be considered in cases like this and it shows that there is a need to reform the system.”

Many people need benefits and it is quite wrong when a small minority bring the system into disrepute by cheating

Labour MP Helen Goodman

Labour MP Helen Goodman said: “Many people need benefits and it is quite wrong when a small minority bring the system into disrepute by cheating.”

Houlahan, of Shildon, Co Durham, began claiming benefits 10 years ago after a horse-riding accident left her in a wheelchair and on crutches, the court heard. But when she recovered and returned to work in pubs and clubs, she continued to make claims.

She was caught after a tip-off that she was working as a pub landlady.

She pleaded guilty at Teesside Crown Court to six fraud-related charges. She wept with relief as judge, Recorder Ian Thorp, imposed a four-month suspended prison sentence, with £120 costs.

Rebecca Stephenson, defending, said her husband was manipulative and had controlled her and the family finances.

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