Go granny! Prince William's joy at seeing Queen and 007

PRINCE William and brother Harry shouted “Go, Granny” when they suddenly saw the Queen alongside Daniel Craig in a James Bond spoof film at the opening of the Olympics.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen during her Olympics Opening Ceremony stunt with Daniel Craig The Queen during her Olympics Opening Ceremony stunt with Daniel Craig

Games supremo Lord Coe revealed the truth about Her Majesty’s very secret mission yesterday in his new autobiography, Running My Life.

Neither prince had the slightest idea she had agreed to be filmed with Craig at Buckingham Palace, nor that she would at least appear to share a helicopter ride with him to the Olympic Stadium.

It came as a huge surprise to Prince Charles too, who roared with laughter, said Lord Coe.

The sequence ended with the 86-year-old Queen apparently parachuting into the stadium alongside Bond.

Lord Coe writes: “During the opening ceremony itself I was sitting next to the Prince of Wales, with Prince Harry

and Prince William directly behind us.

“None of them knew about the Queen’s involvement, nor that the film even existed.

None of them knew about the Queen’s involvement, nor that the film even existed

Lord Coe

“So when the sequence began, with the corgis racing up what were obviously very familiar stairs, Prince Charles

looked at me and began laughing rather nervously, wondering where on earth this was going.

“When the film cut to the shot of the royal back, he had exactly the same reaction as everyone else – which was to

assume it was the lady who does the impersonations.

“But the moment she turned around and everyone realised, My God, it really is the Queen, he began roaring with laughter.

“As for his sons, they were beside themselves. As she started her descent two voices shouted out in unison behind

me, ‘Go, Granny!’” The Queen apparently agreed to make her acting debut for the film when asked by Prime Minister David Cameron at his weekly audience with her at the Palace.

Tory peer Lord Coe, a former middle-distance runner who won four Olympic gold medals, had first put the idea to her deputy private secretary Edward Young.

The two met when they worked together for Foreign Secretary William Hague.

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