Wills slips up with anchor

IT'S not often Prince William is short of clout but he laughed it off when he failed to be a big hitter yesterday.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

ALL AT SEA Prince William ALL AT SEA: Prince William

The future King on a naval training exercise wielded a 14lb mallet to release the ship’s anchor but failed to hit the chain release hard enough.[>


Instead of whacking it, William, 25, tapped the metal catch as if playing croquet, prompting cheers from those watching him in Dartmouth, Devon, at the start of a two-month attachment with the Navy.[>


“That’s a crate of beer,” the second in line to the throne acknowledged ruefully as he left the deck after successfully completing the task on his second attempt.[>


Tradition at Britannia Royal Naval College dictates that whoever fails to drop the anchor at the first attempt has to buy beer for their shipmates.[>


“It’s drinks all round,” said a gleeful Lieutenant Commander Grassy Meadows from the quayside. But Sub Lieutenant Wales, as he is known in the senior service, was praised for his skill in handling a 40ft boat during intensive training.[>


William’s father Prince Charles, grandfather Prince Philip and uncle Prince Andrew all trained at Dartmouth.[>


It was at Britannia in July 1939 that the then 13-year-old Princess Elizabeth met Philip for the first time.[>


Over the next three weeks William will learn seamanship skills and tour various units including the Royal Marines and Fleet Air Arm.[>

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