Veteran weeps as he reveals terrifying truth about D-Day

THEY marched proudly in their blazers and berets, many for the last time, reliving old glories and fighting back tears for fallen comrades.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

D-day, Sword Beach, d-day landings, d-day anniversary, 70 years, ww2, world war 2Veteran Ken Scott wept as he remembered the horrors of D-Day[PA]

It was the last hurrah for the men of the greatest generation and they were determined to mark their contribution to history with a show.

And one, at least, told his story for the first time because the horror was too severe to confront and convey until now.

Watched by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, the Normandy Veterans’ Association staged what is expected to be its final parade through the streets of the seaside village where many of its members landed 70 years ago yesterday.

In Arromanches, beside Gold Beach, the veterans marched to the applause of a 3,000 crowd, heads held high.

Those in wheelchairs paraded first followed by around 100 men marching behind a French band, as other veterans, too frail to take part, watched from seats in front of William and Kate.

The association is due to disband later this year as its numbers dwindle, although many, in their 80s and 90s, have agreed to keep returning anyway.

They come not only to pay their respects to the friends but in some cases to find release from the demons that have haunted them ever since.

One such yesterday was Ken Scott, 98, a former Platoon Sergeant with the Durham Light Infantry who finally told the story he dared not tell his friends.

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We smoked ourselves to death because we were so frightened. I was scared stiff when the ramp came down

Ken Scott

A former Desert Rat who fought at El Alamein, Mr Scott, from Royal Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, recalled the hell of landing on Gold Beach on D-Day.

He was composed when he began: “We smoked ourselves to death because we were so frightened. I was scared stiff when the ramp came down. The water was nearly up to my knees.

“What I do remember…”

Then he stopped, overcome with emotion. “No, I should not tell you.”

For several moments he remained silent but eventually he continued: “There were bodies floating in the water, some were injured.

“They’d met the machine guns and you couldn’t help them. They were crying out ‘Give us a hand, buddy’. Some were calling for their mothers. We just had to keep going – we pushed them to one side, we just couldn’t help them.

“It’s been with me ever since. I don’t tell many people that but it does upset me.

“I’m coming near to the end of my life now and people should know history and what it was like.

“They were just lying there, they were just floating and the water was red.

“You were looking after yourself, you were so frightened – I remember the smell of the cordite and the noise from the Navy shelling – we were trying to defend ourselves.

“I will never forget that.

“I’ve always said I’ll take it to the grave but people should know. People should know history, they should get an idea for what it was like.”

Mr Scott, who was instrumental in starting the tradition in Royal Wootton Bassett of honouring soldiers killed in Afghanistan when their corteges were driven through the town, knows he will never return to Normandy.

“This is the end,” he said. “I can go home and just relax in my little prefab house. This can all go behind me.

“I am so glad to be here. I’ve met a lot of comrades. It makes all the difference.”

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