Funfair ride triggers rare condition that leaves woman still feeling dizzy ONE YEAR later

A YOUNG woman's life was turned upside down after an innocent funfair ride triggered a rare condition which left her permanently dizzy.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Bobbie Lane, 26, says her condition leaves her feeling as if she is drunk Bobbie Lane, 26, says her condition leaves her feeling as if she is drunk [SWNS]

Despite clambering down from the Superbowl fairground ride at Reading Festival almost one year ago, Bobbie Lane, 26, still feels the woozy after-effects every day.

Affecting both memory and balance, the condition is characterised by an ever-lasting dizziness that leaves the sufferer unsteady on their feet. 

Doctors would later diagnose that it was the vomit-inducing spinning saucer ride that triggered the condition – called Migraine Variant Balance Disorder – which leaves Bobbie constantly feeling as if she's had too much to drink.

Describing the changes since the life-changing ride, Bobbie said: "A couple of minutes after I got off the ride, I was still a bit dizzy, which I thought was strange.

"But I carried on at the festival, thinking I was feeling wobbly because I'd had too much fun in the sun.

"After I returned home, the dizziness stayed with me and it felt like I was permanently at sea.

"It slowly got worse, and eventually I went to the doctor, who immediately sent me to a neuroscientist consultant"

Doctors are holding out hope that Bobbie's rare condition has a cure  Doctors are holding out hope that Bobbie's rare condition has a cure [SWNS]

Day-to-day I am on quite a lot of medication, my memory is pretty bad and I get really tired. It is literally like I am drunk

Bobbie Lane

Doctors hope that Bobbie's balance disorder has a cure. But no timeline for her recovery has yet been given.

In the meantime, medical experts have made numerous changes to her life in an attempt to weaken the effects of the condition.

Bobbie explained: "I've had to quit the job I spent four years in and I loved because I have to avoid all stress, and my diet has changed significantly - there's a list of foods I can't eat any more as long as my arm"

She has been advised to give up all alcohol, chocolate, citrus fruits, dairy, bananas amongst many other types of food.

The unlucky rollercoaster fan said: "Day-to-day I am on quite a lot of medication, my memory is pretty bad and I get really tired.

"My head feels like it is floating a lot. It's a really hard thing to explain, I have never felt anything like it before.

"My balance is awful, I am doing physiotherapy to try and retrain it so it comes back.

"It affects my walking too, sometimes I will just be standing there and I will lose my balance for no reason.

"It is literally like I am drunk".

The Superbowl was a teacup-style spinner furnished with separate cups which individually whirl and raise the riders into the air on a giant 'saucer.' 

She said: "The ride was fun and terrifying all at the same time. I had been on something similar once before, so I didn't think anything of it, really.

"I certainly don't blame the fairground – unfortunately it's just one of those things. I live in hope that one day I'll recover and then I can get my old life back" 

Bobbie now plans to kickstart her own charity to raise the public's awareness of her little-known condition.

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