British family poisoned by exhaust fume attack as thieves raid £2000 from camper van

A BRITISH family were knocked unconscious as thieves pumped exhaust fumes into their camper van – before looting belongings worth over £2000.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

From left to right: Linda and Darren Chadwick, Jamie Chadwick, Jani Horsley, Mandy and Steve Willows From left to right: Linda and Darren Chadwick, Jamie Chadwick, Jani Horsley, Mandy and Steve Willows[CATERS]

The family were poisoned en-route back home to England when they parked-up the camper van close to a Bourges service station in France on July 19.

Linda and Darren Chadwick, both 40 and from Derby, were holidaying with their son Jamie, 21, his girlfriend Janie, 17, and Linda's brother and sister in law, Stephen and Mandy Willows.

It is believed that thieves watched and waited for the unsuspecting family to turn-in for the night, before running a tube from their vehicle's exhaust beneath the camper van – feeding the vents with dangerous levels of poisonous fumes.

Once the British holidaymakers were unconscious the criminals were free to raid the camper van.

Groggily awakening from the dangerous after-effects of carbon monoxide poisoning, Mrs Chadwick explained that the last thing she could remember was seeing a pair of car headlights around 4.40am.

She said: "We all woke up at around about the same time, at 6am, with terrible headaches and sore throats. We were all in shock. It was awful.

"My brother, who was on the bottom bunk, said 'where's the suitcase?' We realised we had been robbed".

Darren Chadwick shows the camper van lock – damaged by the thieves that poisoned him and his family Darren Chadwick shows the camper van lock – damaged by the thieves that poisoned him and his family [CATERS]

It was horrendous. The person taking the blood said it could have killed us

Linda Chadwick

The police were called and the British holidaymakers quickly taken for medical exams at the Centre Hospitalier De Saint Amand Montrond, south of Bourges.

"We were in there nearly all of the day" said Mrs Chadwick.

"We were all seen individually by doctors and nurses and put into rooms where we were given oxygen and our blood samples were taken.

"The person taking the blood said it could have killed us. 

"It was horrendous. They said it could also lead to memory loss, flashbacks".

Once medical staff were satisfied, the Chadwick family were taken back to the local police station where police interviewed them individually and took their fingerprints.

Their blackout follows reports in the French media of a similar attack to a British couple near Marseilles.

The poisoned victims pose for a photograph in the infamous camper van they took on holiday The poisoned victims pose for a photograph in the infamous camper van they took on holiday [CATERS]

Local police now suspect that the family were gassed after receiving reports of Eastern European gangs preying on holidaymakers using this cruel method.

Mrs Chadwick said: "The police told us they wait for you to get into the camper van at night.

"Then they run a tube from their exhaust underneath the van where there are vents and the fumes get through there"

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headaches, nausea, vomiting, memory loss, vertigo and an increase in heart rate.

Targeted families can often mistake their attacks as being symptoms of severe food poisoning.

Mrs Chadwick and her family have not fully recovered from the theft.

She said: "My brother has been waking up in the night.

"He thinks they could have done anything to him because he was close to the door."

Bourges police have confirmed they are investigating but have not yet made any arrests.

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