William who?

IF she’d wanted to send a message it could not have been any clearer.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Kate Middleton leaves Mahiki in the early hours Kate Middleton leaves Mahiki in the early hours

Kate Middleton, wearing a low-cut mini-dress and revelling in the attention, went out of her way yesterday to show ex-boyfriend Prince William just what he was missing.

The 25-year-old brunette, who split from the second in line to the throne last week, went out on the town with a group of girlfriends.

And she announced gleefully: “I’m FREE!”

Just to ensure the message was well and truly understood she and her pals partied the night away in the same London club where William celebrated his new single status last weekend.

Her dress – a £45 Seventies-style wallpaper design bought from the Lipsy concession in Topshop – was in stark contrast to some of the frumpy outfits she wore out with William.

Displaying her cleavage and long legs it raised eyebrows among the party-goers at the Hawaiian-themed club, Mahiki, in Mayfair.

“It’s what we call the Aristochav look, when a posh girls wears clubby gear and tries to look like a footballer’s wife or girlfriend,” said one Mahiki reveller. “It’s a bit downmarket for her.”

It was certainly more daring than ­anything she has been wearing of late – although William famously first fell for her when she sashayed down the ­catwalk in a skimpy diaphanous dress at a university fashion show in  2002.

Kate, who started the night off at a French restaurant in nearby South Kensington, was joined at the nightclub by Guy Pelly, a close friend of William and Harry, who acts as their unofficial court jester.

He along with others in the royal circle, including Richard Branson’s daughter Holly, have been careful to try to stay friends with both William and Kate. After all, there have been suggestions that the couple may yet get back together after the break in their relationship.

Pelly, a landowner’s son whose outrageous behaviour has not always endeared him to Kate, was one of an eight-strong group of friends who went to Mahiki with William last weekend when they were said to have spent £5,000 on champagne and potent cocktails.

The 24-year-old Prince performed a version of England and Liverpool striker Peter Crouch’s robot dance goal celebration and declared: “I’m really happy. Everything is fine. I’m going to enjoy myself.”

Not to be outdone, Kate emerged beaming from the same club at 2.30am yesterday, joking with and ­taking pictures of the paparazzi who have trailed her in the past couple of years.

Later, the former St Andrews University student, who spent four- and-a-half years going out with William, obliged the same paparazzi by going clothes shopping in high street fashion chains Zara and Topshop in Kensington.

It was attention-seeking behaviour that prompted comparisons with William’s mother, Princess Diana, who regularly complained about media harassment but privately arranged to be photographed when it suited her in her war with Prince Charles.

Kate, who works as a part-time accessories buyer for the high street fashion chain Jigsaw, has been seen at work only once this week when she popped into the firm’s head office to pick up some paperwork after an earlier shopping trip in Kensington.

And William? The by now slightly contrite young Prince has spent the week away from it all on an Army training course at Bovington Camp in Dorset.

But as he looks at the photographs of Kate today he could be forgiven for muttering the famous Humphrey Bogart line from Casablanca: “Of all the bars in all the world, she had to walk into mine”.

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