Parents' fury as pupils 'imprisoned' in school hall for wearing the wrong SHOES

TEACHERS have been branded "disgraceful" for pulling more than 30 pupils out of lessons - as punishment for wearing the wrong SHOES.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

 The plimsolls that got Courtenay Cummings, 13, imprisoned in the school hall with 29 of her peersThe plimsolls that got Courtenay Cummings, 13, imprisoned in the school hall with 29 of her peers [MEDIA WALES]

Parents have blasted staff at Cantonian High School in Cardiff for treating schoolchildren like "prisoners", by confining them to the school hall for a whole day.

According to one student, pupils wearing trainers and canvas gym shoes were picked out of the first assembly of the year before being banned from lessons.

The children were then only allowed to leave the hall at lunch.

Concerned parents Maria Gordon and Paul Cummings have said their daughter Courtenay Cummings, 13, has worn black canvas plimsolls to school for over two years without incident.

She's a very responsible 13-year-old and she was very upset. They were kept in a hall on a hot day. It's disgraceful

Maria Gordon

Ms Gordon said: "It's ridiculous. No one ever told us before she had the wrong shoes.

"We know they can't wear trainers but these are black, lace up, canvas daps. She's a very responsible 13-year-old and she was very upset.

"We were not notified on the day and neither was our work. Courtenay enjoys school and what annoyed her is she didn't know what she'd done wrong. 

"They were kept in a hall on a hot day. It's disgraceful."

However, the school assured parents that it had sent out letters in July explaining trainers and plimsolls were not acceptable footwear. Courtenay's parents claim they never received it. 

Cantonian High School in Cardiff has been blasted for treating schoolchildren like Cantonian High School in Cardiff has been blasted for treating schoolchildren like "prisoners" [MEDIA WALES]

In a statement, the school said: "The school, as with all other schools has a uniform policy to promote pride and identity among the pupils.

"All parents and carers were reminded at the end of the last academic year of Cantonian's school uniform policy which clearly states that black shoes and not trainers, daps, boots or sandals should be worn.

"At the beginning of the current academic year there were a small number of instances of pupils not wearing the correct school uniform, including shoes.

"In each case the school made attempts to speak to the parents so the situation could be rectified.

"Pupils were asked to sit in the hall while the school attempted to contact parents. The hall is a bright, airy room with large windows and it is used for both assemblies and some lessons.

"All pupils had access to all the facilities of the school as needed, including the school canteen, toilets, etc.

"We are glad to report that all pupils are attending all lessons".

The row comes just a week after a West Midlands school started a uniform crackdown, sending home over a hundred students.

Coseley School, in Bilston sent home the schoolchildren aged between 12 to 16 because their footwear was not "black, leather shoes" and therefore "inappropriate".

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