Donations top £1m after Manchester Dogs Home fire as Ricky Gervais adds support

MORE than £1million in donations have poured in from the public, after 50 dogs died in a blaze at Manchester Dogs Home.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

An owner is reunited with his beloved dog as rescue services extinguish and clear the fire An owner is reunited with his beloved dog as rescue services extinguish and clear the fire [PA/MERCURY]

Police were today continuing to question an unnamed 15-year-old boy arrested on suspicion of arson, following the fire yesterday evening.

Firefighters rushed to the scene on Moss Bank Road in Harpurhey, Manchester last night.

Despite managing to save some 150 dogs, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) said 53 dogs had died so far.

Rescue efforts had been stalled by a collapsing roof above the kennels during the "soul-destroying" incident.

Greater Manchester Police and GMFRS said they are continuing to conduct a joint investigation into the cause of the blaze.

A dog pulls a its owners lead as its strains to see the damage done to the local Dogs Home A dog pulls a its owners lead as its strains to see the damage done to the local Dogs Home [PA]

The response from the public has been overwhelming and this is clearly an incident that has tugged on the heart strings of many

Detective Inspector Neil Jones

Detective Inspector Neil Jones said: "The response from the public has been overwhelming and this is clearly an incident that has tugged on the heart strings of many.

"A number of people including police officers and staff were quickly on the scene and put their life on the line to help with the rescue effort.

"We are determined to establish exactly how and why this fire started and will be working closely with our partners from the fire service.

"As part of the investigation a 15-year-old boy has been arrested and he will be spoken to throughout the course of the day.

"If anyone has any information about this fire I would encourage them to contact us.

"Our switchboard, like social media has been overrun with people wanting to help and I would ask people to not call the police unless they have information about the investigation or those responsible."

Residents swarm to the Dogs Home with blankets, dog food and spares cages for the distraught animals Residents swarm to the Dogs Home with blankets, dog food and spares cages for the distraught animals [MERCURY]

Dozens of locals formed a crowd outside the blazing building last night, bringing spare blankets, dog food and dog crates.

One witness said the fire had "engulfed" the building in seconds, quickly transforming it into "a huge fireball".

Another at the scene said the trapped animals could be heard "yelping".

On its Twitter page, Manchester Dogs Home said: "Words are not enough. Thank you everyone, you have touched our hearts and surrounded us with love and we are truly grateful.

"We are overwhelmed with the offers of help, support and money. Grateful and humbled."

Anna Stansfield, manager of Cheshire Dogs Home, described the blaze as "soul destroying" and added all the rescued dogs would be transferred to its sister site in Warrington, Cheshire.

An online JustGiving donation page set up in the aftermath of the fire has so far raised a staggering £1,025,705 and counting.

Comedian Ricky Gervais has vocalised his support for the donation page to his six million Twitter followers.

Local radio presenter Chelsea Norris donated a further £25,000 this morning, posting on Twitter: "Woke up to the news we raised this for @manchdogs Thanks everyone, support is not only appreciated but mind blowing."

Manchester & Cheshire Dogs Home opened in 1893 and is said to care for more than 7,000 stray and unwanted dogs every year.

  • Anyone with information should call police on 101 or the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
  • Those looking to donate can visit the official JustGiving page

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