Cancer sufferers promised one week turnaround on NHS test results – funded by tobacco tax

PATIENTS suffering from cancer could only have to wait ONE WEEK for results from their tests, under new plans for the National Health Service.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

A one-week turnaround on cancer results could save THOUSANDS of lives A one-week turnaround on cancer results could save THOUSANDS of lives [GETTY]

Funding the accelerated turnaround on medical tests would be a £750million sum collected through taxation on tobacco firms throughout over next five years.

The changes come as part of a new initiative proposed by Labour to ensure the NHS has the best cancer survival rates in Europe.

If elected, the Labour party has promised to implement the plans by 2020 – as part of a 10 year plan to ensure the NHS has the best cancer survival rates in Europe.

A plan paid for by money raised from the profits of the tobacco firms whose products have done so much to cause cancer in the first place

Ed Miliband

The plans for early cancer detection – which Labour estimates could save 10,000 lives EVERY year – is only one part of the party's plan to provide one-week results across a number of “urgent diagnostics” by 2025.

Labour claims the number of people waiting over six weeks for cancer test results have spiralled since the Tories came into power in 2010 – “up from 1,900 in May 2010 to over 10,600 in August 2014,” the party said.

Ed Miliband hopes reducing these numbers will also save money for the NHS in the long term – as NHS treatment for stage one colon cancer costs £3,373 compared to £12,519 for stage four.

Mr Miliband, speaking to The Times, said: "We would raise taxes on the most expensive homes worth over £2million in our country, hedge funds which avoid paying their fair share, and the tobacco firms whose products cause so much ill-health and suffering.”

He said that the one-week test “is a plan paid for by money raised from the profits of the tobacco firms whose products have done so much to cause cancer in the first place,” adding that this will make up part of its NHS Time to Care Fund – a £2.5billion cash injection unveiled at the party conference, last month.

The Labour party’s Time to Care Fund aims to increase NHS funding to help finance “20,000 more nurses, 8,000 GPs, 5,000 home care workers and 3,000 midwives,” Mr Miliband claims.

Labour leader Ed Miliband has spearheaded the quick turnaround on results as part of party's focus on the NHS Labour leader Ed Miliband has spearheaded the quick turnaround on results [GETTY]

Chief Executive of Action on Smoking and Health Deborah Arnott said: “It's absolutely right that they [the tobacco firms] should pay more to put right the damage that they cause.

“Money from a levy on their profits should be used on evidence-based policies, not just to treat people who are already gravely ill from smoking-related disease, but to help people quit smoking before they get ill and to discourage young people from starting to smoke in the first place".

Meanwhile, MEP Nigel Farage unveiled Ukip's plans for the NHS earlier last week, saying that it should not be open to migrants with serious or life-threatening illnesses.

The Ukip leader said: "You are a British citizen being treated for an illness.

"It is a good thing we have got the money and resources to treat you. But if we turn the NHS – and the clue is in the name – into a global health service we have a severe problem with resources.

“Just in the past year we have had some leading cancer experts saying we cannot provide cancer services to people outside the UK."

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