'Jeremy Clarkson is an embarrassment to Britain' blasts Argentine ambassador

TOP GEAR presenter Jeremy Clarkson has been branded a "serial provocateur" and "an embarrassment to British people", in the latest blast by the Argentine ambassador to the UK.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Argentine ambassador Alicia Castro has branded BBC's Jeremy Clarkson as Argentine ambassador Alicia Castro has branded BBC's Jeremy Clarkson as "an embarrassment" [PA/GETTY]

Alicia Castro has continued her campaign against the highly-paid BBC star, following Clarkson's controversial stunt last month in which he drove through southern Argentina in a car sporting the numberplate 'H982 FLK'.

It is alleged the plate was chosen in order to taunt the South American country over the 1982 Falklands War.

Jeremy Clarkson is an embarrassment to the British people. He’s a serial provocateur

Alicia Castro, Argentine ambassador to the UK

Ms Castro has already issued a formal complaint to the BBC over Top Gear's filming in her country.

And she continued her war-of-words by telling The Telegraph: "Jeremy Clarkson is an embarrassment to the British people.

"It’s not a problem of ours.

"It’s not the first time he has been so provocative – he did it in Korea, Mexico, India. He’s a serial provocateur."

The ambassador also labelled Clarkson's claim that the offensive number plate was merely a coincidence as "ridiculous".

Speaking to the newspaper during the book launch of Malvinas Matters, a hardback that draws together a series of articles and commentaries about the Falklands conflict, Ms Castro spoke of her hope that the BBC will take action.

She added: "He's already prompted formal complaints from other ambassadors.

"For example the Mexican ambassador, Ambassador Medina-Mora.

"So we're waiting for an answer from the BBC, because we have formally asked for an apology – which I think is the least that we could expect."

The Porsche which Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson used whilst filming in South AmericaThe Porsche which Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson used whilst filming in South America [ENTERPRISE]

Clarkson previously defended the now-infamous number plate, which is believed to feature in an upcoming episode of Top Gear, by posting on Twitter: "For once, we did nothing wrong.

"The number plate WAS a coincidence. When it was pointed out to us, we changed it.

"They threw us out for the political capital. Thousands chased crew to border. Someone could have been killed.

"This was not a jolly jape that went awry. For once, we did nothing wrong."

But last week, Ms Castro blasted Clarkson's allegations of being hounded from Argentina as "entirely false accusations".

Meeting with BBC director of television, Danny Cohen, on 20 October, an Argentine embassy spokesman revealed the details of the Ms Castro's formal complaint.

He explained: "Argentine Ambassador to the UK, Alicia Castro, made a formal complaint to the BBC regarding Jeremy Clarkson's provocative behaviour and offensive remarks towards the Government and the Argentine people, following Top Gear's recent filming in Argentina, calling for the BBC to make a public apology.

"Clarkson arrived in Tierra del Fuego, just 400 miles form the Malvinas Islands, flaunting a car with the number plates H982 FKL, evoking the year and the initials of the territory in which the war took place.

"Subsequently, he claimed it was a ‘mere coincidence’ with no intention of provoking a reaction.

"The Argentine Ambassador deeply regretted Jeremy Clarkson's entirely false accusations of alleged resentment against British citizens in Argentina. 

"Castro recalled that our country is home to more than 250,000 British descendants, the largest such community in Latin America, including 70,000 of Welsh origin, whose settlement in Patagonia will mark its 150th anniversary in 2014.

"Ambassador Castro noted the excellent degree of cooperation various ongoing BBC projects continue to enjoy in Argentina, stressing her desire for this to remain the case.

"Finally, the Ambassador showed Mr Cohen a great number of letters of support received by many British citizens, including MPs, journalists and other personalities, condemning Clarkson's provocative behaviour.

“The Embassy of Argentina awaits a proper response from the BBC."

Top Gear – which is estimated to be the most widely-watched factual TV programme in the world with some 350million views each week in 170 different countries – has been at the centre of numerous controversies throughout the past year.

After publishing a video apology in which he "begged for forgiveness" after footage emerged on him using the N-word on set in May, Clarkson is said to be on "his final warning".

Commenting on the formal complaint from Ms Castro, a BBC spokesman said: "The BBC has received a complaint and will apply its usual processes."

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