Many happy returns...of your birthday suit, Camilla

SHE spends £300,000 a year on clothes but the Duchess of Cornwall wore her favourite birthday suit for the second year running yesterday.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

OLD FAVOURITE Camilla in her birthday suit OLD FAVOURITE: Camilla in her birthday suit

Camilla donned exactly the same outfit for her 61st birthday as she did for her 60th, right down to her brooch and bracelet.[>


The sand-coloured Anna Valentine linen jacket, white pleated skirt and beige shoes has proved her favourite combination for the past three years.[>


She has worn the jacket, skirt and shoes together on at least 10 official engagements and used the same accessories on most occasions.[>


Aides declined to say what Charles bought her for her birthday but it does not appear to have been a new outfit. There were no flowers, chocolates or champagne to be seen either.[>


Instead, appropriately for the wife of Britain’s most famous organic food producer, she received a giant cabbage and a carrot cake.[>


“Thank you very much. We’ll have a real feast,” she said, before cutting the cake with a garden trowel and licking the cream off her finger.[>


Camilla was presented with the gifts, along with a basket of produce and an orchid, when she and Charles visited the Dig For Victory alloment in St James’s Park, central London. [>


A joint project between the Royal Parks and the Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms, the allotment is designed to show how modern gardeners can use techniques honed in the austerity years of the Second World War to grow their own food and recycle waste.[>


The royal couple, both keen gardeners, met two former Land Army girls – Joan Smith, 87, of Pimlico, London, and Iris Halfpenny, 83, of Leicester – who told them how they spent the war working in the fields.[>


In keeping with the environmental theme of the visit, the couple forsook their usual chauffeur-driven car to walk the 400 yards back to Clarence House.[>

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