Cure headaches with thoughts? Scientists unveil Star Wars-like mind control of human genes

SCIENTISTS have developed the ability to control human genes with just the power of the MIND, an astonishing new study reveals.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Yoda using mind-control in Star Wars, left, and Professor Martin Fussenegger, rightLUCASFILM/GETTY

Yoda using mind-control in Star Wars, left, and Professor Martin Fussenegger, right

The cutting-edge technique sounds more like a scene from the upcoming Star Wars film than an extract from a study published in a scientific journal.

But experts now believe the mind-control technique could help people control chronic headaches, back pain and epilepsy with just a thought.

Controlling genes in this way is completely new and is unique in its simplicity

Professor Martin Fussenegger

Professor Martin Fussenegger branded the breakthrough "a dream that we've been chasing for over a decade".

Prof. Fussenegger and his team at the Department of Biosystems in Switzerland transmitted recorded brainwaves to a special implant using bluetooth.

Once the correct thought has been received, it is the implant that converts genes into proteins – a transformation called 'gene expression'.

During the process a small LED light switches on – lighting up a chamber within the implant that contains genetically-modified cells.

As the near-infrared light shines on these cells they start to produce the desired protein, which one day could help combat many neurological diseases.

Prof. Fussenegger added: "Controlling genes in this way is completely new and is unique in its simplicity." 

For the revolutionary study, which is set to be published in Nature Communications, Prof. Fussenegger and his team used recorded human brainwaves to activate a cell-filled implant in mice.

Bizarrely, the study found subjects who regularly played the computer game Minecraft released just average amounts of protein from the implant using their thoughts.

But the relaxed minds of those test subjects who practised meditation let loose a cascade of protein from the implant when played the game.

Prof. Fussenegger noted that if the humans emitting the brainwaves were able to see the LED light on the implant switch on and off, they found it noticeably easier to regulate their thoughts.

He explained: "For the first time, we have been able to tap into human brainwaves, transfer them wirelessly to a gene network and regulate the expression of a gene depending on the type of thought."

The science fiction-like technique was inspired by the game Mindflex – which asks users to use their brainwaves to regulate fans that moves a small ball through an obstacle course.

If the technique is ever used in mainstream medical care, the patients will not be using conscious thoughts to control the life-saving implants and genes within them.

Prof. Fussenegger envisions that the device will detect specific brainwaves at an early stage, triggering and controlling the creation of certain agents within the implant at the right time.

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