Thirty MORE abuse victims come forward a day after Scout Association issues apology

DOZENS of ex-Scouts have come forward claiming to be victims of child abuse just a day after the movement issued a public apology for two historic cases.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

The organisation admitted it had paid out around £500,000 in compensation PA - PICTURE POSED BY MODEL

The organisation admitted it had paid out around £500,000 in compensation since October 2012

Solicitor David McClenaghan has claimed 30 people called his firm last night after watching a harrowing BBC report on two historic abuse cases within the 107-year-old organisation.

The UK Scout Association has said it is "deeply sorry" for the hurt caused to its victim and admitted paying out around £500,000 in compensation.

The safety and support of young people in Scouting is our number one priority

Scout Association spokesman

The youth organisation went on to insist that child abuse cases within its ranks were "extremely rare incidences" – adding that the safety of young people was its "number one priority".

But the BBC has claimed more than 56 people have instructed solicitors to sue the association over historical abuse since October 2012.

Mr McClenaghan, of Bolt Burdon Kemp, who have already represented some 30 alleged victims in recent years, said: "Since the report on the abuse in the Scout Association went out yesterday, I have been contacted overnight by an additional 30 people.

"I think what that demonstrates is that the figures that have come out really are the tip of the iceberg in terms of the number of people who have suffered abuse."

He said the apology had been issued "under intense pressure from the media".

He added: "It's convenient that that has been issued now and it serves their self-interest rather than being a genuine apology to the individual people."

The Scouting Movement was founded in 1907 by British Boer War hero Lord Baden-Powell based on his book "Scouting for Boys".

The Association boats now 550,000 members including 100,000 adult volunteers.

The full public statement made by the historic youth organisation after the BBC documentary aired, read:  "We apologise to all those who have been abused during their time in Scouting.

"The safety and support of young people in Scouting is our number one priority.

"Any abuse of young people is abhorrent and we are deeply sorry for anybody hurt by the actions of abusers. 

"We strive to ensure these abuses do not take place.

In both cases highlighted by the BBC documentary, the broadcaster claimed the perpetrators were not reported to the police.

"Those were inappropriate and unacceptable responses to that situation, these were extremely rare incidences and this should not have happened," a Scout Association spokesman added.

"We deeply regret this failure."

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