'UK is last place I'd want to live' Luton-based mother JAILED for terror posts rejects UK

AN "EXTREMIST" mother-of-six who daydreamed of sending her eight-year-old son to fight jihad has been jailed for more than FIVE years for inciting terrorism on Facebook.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Runa Khan leaves Kingston Crown Court, in Surrey PA

Runa Khan leaves Kingston Crown Court, in Surrey

Runa Khan, from Luton, who said the UK was "the last place I would want to live in", used Facebook to call on fellow Muslim women to urge male relatives to join the fight.

The 35-year-old mother repeatedly spoke of a desperation to travel to Syria on WhatsApp messages and glorified the vicious murder of Lee Rigby.

On July 30, she posted an image of a suicide vest tagged with the phrase – "sacrificing your life to benefit Islam".

Khan wrote on an extremist website about the day she would be able to send her sons to fight. 

She wrote: "I pictured the future while I was zipping up his jacket, in sha Allah I’ll be tying the shahada bandana round his forehead and hand him his rifle and send him out to play the big boys game."

I pictured the future while I was zipping up his jacket and hand him his rifle and send him out to play the big boys game

Runa Khan

Khan, of Maple Road West, was caught after she unwittingly forwarded details of a route into Syria to an undercover police officer.

During sentencing, Kingston Crown Court heard police had discovered photos of Khan's toddler holding GUNS and SWORDS.

Other pictures showed small Syrian children posing with guns – and in one case a hand grenade.

Judge Peter Birts QC said the "only fair interpretation" of the harrowing pictures was that Khan had intended to radicalise others.

The 35-year-old, allowed to appear in the dock wearing a niqab with just her eyes visible, admitted four charges of disseminating terrorist publications between July and September 2013.

Jo Sidhu QC, Khan's barrister, described his client's religious beliefs as "inflexible".

He said she was "extremely insecure, unsophisticated, binary in her thought processes" and "devoid of any proper" and "reasonable" Islamic teaching.

She was jailed for five years and three months.

In an interview with BBC Newsnight, she explained: "I was posting up my belief."

She described the UK as "the last place I would want to live in"

The mother-of-six added: "The majority of people with my mindset are actually behind bars because they don't want to stay in Britain".

But Khan said when she talked about jihad she was NOT referring to the killing of innocent people.

She revealed: "I have always said I don't believe in going and blowing myself up in a shopping centre where there are going to be innocent children.

"And when I spoke about suicide missions, I only spoke about it because it's a much feared war tactic, which should only be used in a battlefield, not anywhere else."

Head of the Metropolitan Police's counter terrorism unit Commander Richard Walton said Khan had used social media as a "tool for terrorism".

He added: "Khan used it to spread extremism, radicalise others and justify children being used for terrorism.

"We aim to make the internet a more hostile environment for terrorists; today's sentence supports that aim."

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