Taxi driver holds family Christmas tree for RANSOM after partygoer fails to pay £15 fare

A CHEEKY cabbie held a family Christmas tree for ransom after a partygoer neglected to pay her fare.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Jodie Slater, left with her friend on a night-out, and with the tree, right  SWNS

Jodie Slater, left with her friend on a night-out, and with the tree, right

Jodie Slater, 19, booked a £15 ride home with her friend after a night out, only to discover she didn't have enough money.

The teenage girl dashed into her home to ask for the rest of the fare from mum Angie.

However, when Ms Slater returned the driver had driven off  taken the family's new six-foot tree with him.

The taxi company said they had it. They took it as a ransom

Jodie Slater

Her mother Angie, 54, dialled the taxi firm the next morning who quickly admitted the driver had taken the £35 tree - which had been left on the porch of the house to dry - and stuffed it into his seven-seat vehicle.

The firm then told Ms Slater that they would only see the tree again when the outstanding fare was paid.

Young waitress Jodie said: "It's funny now but in the morning when we discovered what had happened we were a bit put out.

"I'd been on a night out as my friends had just got back from university and we got a lift back.

"We thought we had enough to pay for it but we didn't so I went inside and tried to find some.

"I was probably looking for around ten minutes and then I had to wake mum up to see if she had some.

"She got up and went to pay him but when we both went outside he'd gone.

"The next morning mum called me while I was at work and told me the Christmas tree had gone from in the porch.

"The taxi company said they had it. They took it as a ransom.

"It's not little - it's about six foot. We've got a people carrier but dad had to put it on the roof.

"The driver must have gone to a lot of trouble to take it, he'd have had to fold the seats down.

"I've never known anything like it - it's a good job we've got a sense of humour."

The family, from Cardigan, Wales, went to pay the correct fare and collect the tree from Robin's Taxis the following day.

It has now been decorated and has pride of place in the family's living room.

Jodie Slater – who couldn't pay the full £15 fare – with the now-infamous Christmas tree SWNS

Jodie Slater – who couldn't pay the full £15 fare – with the now-infamous Christmas tree

The boss of Robin's Taxis has said staff had always intended to give the Christmas tree back once Ms Slater had paid her £15 fare the next day.

Owner Robin Davies said the firm usually take mobile phones from customers until they cough up, but when Jodie was reluctant to hand hers over, the driver took her tree instead.

He said: "She was in Cardigan Saturday night, Sunday morning.

"She flagged the taxi down and when the driver took her home the driver asked her for her mobile phone. 

"That's what we normally do - we take the mobile phone and when they come down [to the office] on Sunday or Monday morning, they pay the fare and get their mobile phone back.

"But when the driver took her home, she wouldn't give her mobile phone, but there was a Christmas tree outside the house, the fare was £15, and he put the tree in the car.

"It was a bit funny really."

Picking the right Christmas tree for you - This Morning

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