Royals receive a warm welcome on their cold trip to church

LOOKING radiant in a bright ivory coloured coat and a matching hat, the Queen led members of the Royal family at church yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent


The Queen wore an ivory coloured coat and matching hat

Prayers were said for the suspected victims of the missing AirAsia flight during the service at 16th century St Mary Magdalene church on the Sandringham estate.

The 88-year-old Queen was driven alone to the church in her chauffeur-driven Bentley and smiled as a crowd of 1,000 well-wishers clapped and cheered.

She was joined by other family members who are enjoying an extended Christmas break with her at Sandringham House.

Prayers were said for the victims of conflicts in Syria and Iraq as well as the families of those who lost loved ones in the Boxing Day tsunami ten-years-ago.

The group walked to church with Princess Anne, 64, striding out in front, wearing a furry hat and with a green skirt and jacket topped by a green and black cape.

She smiled and waved to the crowd as Prince Charles, 66, and Prince Philip, 93, walked behind her in the winter sunshine, wearing similar brown overcoats.

Anne’s husband Vice Admiral Tim Laurence, 59, her son Peter Phillips, 37, and his wife Autumn, 36 also walked to church along with Prince Edward, 50, his wife Sophie Wessex, 49, and their 11-year-old daughter Lady Louise.

Members of the crowd were surprised to see Sophie walking to the church in her coral pink coat as she often joins the Queen in her car.

There was no sign of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge or Prince George who are believed to have stayed at home two miles away at Anmer Hall.

The couple did not attend St Mary’s church next door to their home as there was no service there yesterday, although it is believed that they did go to a carol service at the church last Sunday.

The service at Sandringham was led by the estate’s rector the rev Jonathan Riverie assisted by the Bishop of Norwich, the Right Rev Graham James.

The royals dressed up warmAlbanpix

Prince Charles and Autumn Phillips (L); Prince Philip (C); Princess Anne (R)

Prayers were said for the victims of conflicts in Syria and Iraq as well as the families of those who lost loved ones in the Boxing Day tsunami ten-years-ago.

There was also a prayer for the 162 passengers and crew ‘lost in the Far East’ on AirAsia flight QZ8501 which disappeared on a flight from Indonesia to Singapore.

The Queen once again left children in the crowd disappointed by leaving church without stopping to collect flowers from them.

But several bouquets were collected on her behalf by Prince Charles and Sophie Wessex as they walked back to Sandringham House.

Charles also stopped to speak to some members of the crowd, greeting Nicky Bantoft, 36, by saying: “Good morning, you must be cold.”

The Christmas Broadcast 2014

Mrs Bantoft of Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, who was outside the church with her children Hannah, ten and Jack, eight, said: “We replied, ‘Yes, we have been wiggling our toes to keep warm’.”

Michelle Sparrow, 42, of Helensville, Auckland, New Zealand, and her children Jack, 12, and Isabel, ten, also attracted the attention of Prince Philip as they were waving a New Zealand flag and an All Blacks flag.

Mrs Sparrow who is staying with her husband’s family in Mildenhall, Suffolk, said: “He said, Have you come a long way?’ Then he saw our flags and asked if we were from New Zealand.

“When we told him that we were over here on holiday, he said: ‘I hope it’s worth it’. Edward also spoke to us and asked if we were finding it cold.”

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