Hoax caller 'off face on cocaine' spoke with Cameron in Downing Street security breach

SECURITY chiefs at Downing Street were left red-faced last night after a hoax caller claiming to be the head of GCHQ was put through to David Cameron.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

David Cameron answered a hoax call GETTY

David Cameron hung up the phone after quickly realising the phonecall was a hoax

The hoaxer, who says he was "utterly wasted" on a mixture of class A and B drugs, enjoyed a "quite brief" conservation with the Prime Minister.

The caller claimed to be GCHQ director Robert Hannigan, although Downing Street confirmed no sensitive information was disclosed in the call between the impersonator and Prime Minister.

I’ve just made complete monkeys out of GCHQ. I got the mobile number of a director. What’s more, I’m off my face on booze and cocaine

Unnamed man claiming to be hoaxer

Mr Cameron ended the call as soon as he realised he was the victim of a hoax call.

The Downing Street security lapse came hours after a hoaxer obtained a mobile phone number for the GCHQ director.

The caller rang secretive eavesdropping agency GCHQ under the guise of a Downing Street aide and said Mr Hannigan was needed for an emergency meeting.

Both Downing Street and GCHQ have now launched reviews into the circumstances surrounding the incidents.

An unnamed male caller, who sounded in his twenties and well-educated, contacted a national newspaper last night to claim responsibility for the GCHQ hoax.

He is also the same individual who rang Downing Street, it is reported.

The caller told The Sun: "I’ve just made complete monkeys out of GCHQ.

"I got the mobile number of a director. What’s more, I’m off my face on booze and cocaine.

"I had some spliff too.

"I’ve been up all night, I’m utterly wasted – hilarious.

"What’s really funny is that GCHQ believe the word of someone so smashed they can hardly string a sentence together."

A spokeswoman for Mr Cameron confirmed all government departments have now been put on alert for further hoax calls.

"Following two hoax calls to Government departments today, a notice has gone out to all departments to be on the alert for such calls," a Government spokesperson said.

"In the first instance, a call was made to GCHQ which resulted in the disclosure of a mobile phone number for the director.

"The mobile number provided is never used for calls involving classified information. 

"In the second instance, a hoax caller claiming to be the GCHQ director was connected to the Prime Minister. 

"The Prime Minister ended the call when it became clear it was a hoax."

The hoax is not the first time a hoax caller has managed to get on the phone with the British Prime Minister. 

Capital FM radio DJ Steve Penk enjoyed a conversation with Tony Blair in 1998 after he impersonated then-Tory leader William Hague. 

But Blair saw through the hoax immediately – laughing along as the hoax Mr Hague offered to lend Mr Blair an exercise video he had found in a sale.

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