Bounty on head of Harry

AL Qaeda terrorist chiefs have put a £250,000 price on Prince Harry’s head in Iraq.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent, John Ingham

Insurgents affiliated to Osama Bin Laden’s net­work are circulating the offer for the “Crusader Prince” among Iraqi troops and police supposedly loyal to the Baghdad government.

The bounty is offered in return for information from a traitor revealing the location of the third in line to the throne.

Sources at the Foreign Office and Ministry of Defence in Lon­don have confirmed the threat.

It is one of the main reasons why senior officials have launched a review of the decision to send Harry to the war-torn country as an armoured reconnaissance troop leader.

Harry’s a grown-up and he’ll take whatever the decision is, but he wants to go

A royal aide

The MoD has insisted the plan is still for Harry to serve in Iraq, commanding four Scim­itar armoured vehicles and 11 men on desert patrols in the south-east during a six-month tour from next month.

Army chiefs, who have drawn up contingency plans to evacuate Harry to Kuwait by helicopter if they believe a base has come under attack because insurgents are deliberately targeting him, insist he can do his job and be protected.

But a last-minute review was under way last night amid mounting concern that Harry’s presence could lead to an escalation in attacks on British soldiers after a dramatic upsurge in violence that has made April the bloodiest month since the start of the conflict.

Eleven British servicemen and women have been killed in Iraq this month alone, bringing the overall death toll to 145.

In January, the Daily Express revealed that militia leaders were offering £250 bounties to youths to set roadside bombs, with a £250 bonus if they killed a British soldier.

But they are willing to pay 500 times that for a successful attack on Prince Harry because it would prove a huge propaganda coup.

Militia leaders have claimed that photographs of Harry have been downloaded from the internet and handed out to insurgent groups.

Last week Abu Zaid, commander of the Malik Ibn Al Ashtar Brigade of the Shia militia group the Medhi Army, vowed to cut off Harry’s ears.

“We are awaiting the arrival of the young, handsome, spoilt Prince with bated breath and we confidently expect he will come out into the open on the battlefield,” he said. “We will be generous with him. For we will return him to his grandmother but without ears.”

The MoD has insisted many of the threats are just bluster. A spokesman said: “This is exactly the kind of propaganda we would expect from them.”

But the risk that Harry’s presence could significantly increase the danger to those around him has meant the decision to deploy him has been under constant review. The 22-year-old Prince, a second lieutenant in the

House­hold Cavalry’s Blues and Royals regiment, has insisted he wants to be treated like any other soldier and fight on the front line.

Sources in his regiment said yesterday that he would quit the Army if he were stopped from going to Iraq. But others close to the Prince insisted that, although he would be very disappointed, he would remain in the Army.

“He won’t quit,” a royal aide said. “Harry’s a grown-up and he’ll take whatever the decision is, but he wants to go. He would be extremely disappointed but to say he would quit is way too strong.”

One of the problems for Britain’s military chiefs, politicians and the Royal Family is the message it would send out if Harry stayed behind.

“How do you tell the families of the three dead servicemen whose bodies were brought home today they were expendable but Prince Harry is not?” asked one critic yesterday.

A decision to keep him behind would also prompt questions about why thousands of pounds had been spent training him for a job he could never do – and why somebody else did not get his place at Sandhurst.

Some critics claimed yesterday that the MoD had got itself into a “muddle” over his deployment. And there were calls for Des Browne, the beleaguered Defence Secretary, to intervene and bang some heads together.

One source said: “Surely all this was thought about before he even joined the Army?

“It seems fairly obvious that if an officer is put in command of soldiers and trained to do it, he should go off and do it.”

Some critics have claimed that instead of doing the job of a troop leader, the Prince will be kept behind a desk at the heavily fortified British base at Basra.

But defence sources have insisted he will go out on patrol, although as part of his normal duties he will have to spend time behind a desk on administration, the planning of operations and ensuring his men are properly equipped and cared for.

An MoD spokesman said: “Prince Harry’s deployment to Iraq, as we have always said, is under constant consideration.

“It is still our intention that Prince Harry will be deployed as a troop leader.”

Prince Andrew, who served as a helicopter pilot in the Falklands War when he was 22, admitted in 1991 that he would have been unable to continue in the Navy if he had been prevented from serving in the conflict. The risks of members of the Royal Family falling into enemy hands have long worried British political and military leaders.

It is claimed that when the Prince of Wales, the future Edward VIII, begged to serve on the front line during the First World War his aide de camp was given orders to shoot the heir to the throne rather than allow him to be captured by the Germans.




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