'I do not regret sending British troops to overthrow Gaddafi' says David Cameron

DAVID Cameron says he does NOT regret British efforts to rid Libya of Muammar Gaddafi – despite growing unrest at the hands of terror groups, like the Islamic State.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Cameron insists his decision to send British forces into Libya in 2011 was the GETTY

Cameron insists his decision to send British forces into Libya in 2011 was the "right thing to do"

Militants loyal to the Islamic State who beheaded 21 handcuffed hostages on a Libyan beach have fuelled concerns terror groups are gaining a stronger presence in the area.

There is no question of Britain abandoning Libya. We are doing work to try and bring together a national unity government in Libya

David Cameron

It is feared the political unrest and violent power struggles in Libya are the worst since Gaddafi was first overthrown in 2011.

But the Prime Minister insists his decision to send British military forces into the north African country in 2011 was the "right thing to do".

Mr Cameron said: "Do I regret that Britain played our role in getting rid of Gaddafi and coming to the aid of that nation when Gaddafi was going to murder his own citizens in Benghazi? No I don't.

"It was the right thing for Britain to do.

"Gaddafi was no friend of our country - the Semtex given to the IRA has done a huge amount of damage in our country.

"Libya, Britain and the world are better off without Gaddafi but we have to do as much as we can now with, I hope, a willing Libyan population and politicians to try and bring that national unity government together - but it has been very hard work."

Egyptian president Abdel-Fattah al-Sissi today urged nations to join for a UN-backed coalition to rid Libya of extremists.

"We will not allow them to cut off the heads of our children.

"We have abandoned the Libyan people as prisoners of the militias," he added.

However, the Prime Minister insisted that UK had not simply abandoned Libya to the fate of the growing terror cells.

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"On the question of abandoning Libya," he added. "There is no question of Britain abandoning Libya.

"Britain is giving Libya support through our aid budget. We did a major training project for the Libyan security forces.

"We are doing work to try and bring together a national unity government in Libya.

"But of course what we face in Libya is a very difficult situation with far too many armed militias, without a proper government and with the growth of ungoverned space, and we've had the appalling events of the last few days with the brutal, senseless murders of Coptic Christians on the beach, which I know has shocked the whole world.

"I discussed it yesterday with the president of Egypt and what the whole world needs to do is come together and work for a Libya that has a national unity government, obviously excluding terrorists, and that can start to build the institutions of a state."

French troops are already in place along Libya's southern border as part of a counterterrorism force.

But a NATO official who spoke on condition of anonymity revealed: "There is no discussion within NATO on taking military action in Libya."

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