EXPLAINED: The new Drug-Driving Law to hit UK today

NEW ROADSIDE tests to identify people driving under the influence of drugs are to be rolled out across the UK today.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

DrugWipe allows officers to screen drivers for cannabis and cocaine at the roadside THINK•PH

DrugWipe allows officers to screen drivers for cannabis and cocaine at the roadside

The new legislation will allow police officers to test drivers for traces of drugs for the first time.

Officers will no longer have to prove a driver was too impaired to drive – only that they had an illegal level of drugs in their system.

The new drive – coupled with new DrugWipe testing kits – allows police to test motorists for substances in less than 10 minutes using only a swab taken from inside a driver's cheek.

DrugWipe allows officers to screen drivers for cannabis and cocaine at the roadside.

The change in the law will make it quicker and easier for drug-drivers to be prosecuted.

British motorists who get behind the wheel with illegal drugs – or illegal quantities of legal medication – in their system could face a year in prison and a fine of up to £5,000.

THINK! Drug Drive Paranoia

Driving under the influence of drugs is extremely dangerous ... This new law will save lives

Road Safety Minister Robert Goodwill

In addition, police will be able to test for other drugs including ecstasy, LSD, ketamine and heroin at a police station, even if a driver passes the roadside check.

New research conducted by THINK! has revealed that more than half of those who admitted to driving under the influence of illegal drugs said they felt safe behind the wheel.

In addition, 60per cent revealed they had previously driven a car when they were unsure if they were still under the influence of illegal drugs.

Road Safety Minister Robert Goodwill said: "This new law will save lives. 

"We know driving under the influence of drugs is extremely dangerous; it devastates families and ruins lives.

"The government’s message is clear - if you take drugs and drive, you are endangering yourself and others and you risk losing your licence and a conviction."

The new testing kits only require a quick swab from inside the motorist's cheek THINK•PH

The new testing kits only require a quick swab from inside the motorist's cheek

Dr Kim Wolf, of King’s College London who has acted as an advisor for the Government drug drive policy, said: "It is worrying to note that so many drug drivers said they felt safe to drive after taking illegal drugs. 

"Illegal drugs seriously impair skills required to drive safely, such as reaction time and decision making. 

"In many cases those who take certain illegal drugs believe that they are safe to drive, but are in fact putting themselves and others at risk.” 

The law also includes eight drugs commonly associated with medicinal use – that are sometimes abused.

These include: morphinediazepam, clonazepam, flunitrazepam, lorazepam, oxazepam, temazepam used to treat anxiety or inability to sleep and methadone used to treat drug addiction.

In addition, amphetamine, which is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Parkinson’s disease is also planned to be included within the offence shortly, although this is subject to Parliamentary approval.

The system has been under test in Surrey and Sussex – setting legal limits for blood levels of legal and illegal drugs.

Inspector Stewart Goodwin, of Surrey and Sussex police, said: "Drug-driving is a widespread but often hidden menace across the country.

"You don't have to be on illegal drugs to be unfit to drive - many prescription or over-the-counter drugs can also impair your ability to drive.

"In the same way that we take a zero tolerance approach to drink-driving, we will also not tolerate drug-driving.

"Driving under the influence of drugs puts not just the offenders and their passengers at risk but everyone else on the roads as well.

"We have officers out every day looking for drug-drivers but we also need the public's help to catch them and get them off the roads.

"If you know or suspect someone has taken drugs and is driving, please contact us urgently - it could save lives."

Last month, an international study into cannabis found the drug was 114 times safer than drinking alcohol.

The report found the Class B drug was "significantly" less harmful than alcohol.

But the National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that drivers are three to seven times more likely to be responsible for the accident than drivers who had not used drugs or alcohol.

The risk associated with marijuana in combination with alcohol appears to be greater than that for either drug by itself, it reports.

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