'Find My Mum' Daughter finds biological mother after 21 years thanks to a Facebook post

A WOMAN who spent EIGHT years desperately searching for her biological mother was reunited within HOURS after her 'Find My Mum' campaign went viral.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Daughter Stacey Lee and long-lost mother Brenda Drake reunited, left, thanks to her Facebook post, right CAVENDISH

Daughter Stacey Lee and long-lost mother Brenda Drake reunited, left, thanks to her Facebook post

Stacey Lee, who was separated from her mother when she was two-years-old, said she was on the verge of giving-up ever being reunited with her mum.

There were times when I thought I would never be reunited with my mum. Occasions like Mother's Day and Christmas Day were particularly difficult

Stacey Lee

But after her Facebook selfie went viral – Stacey was put in touch with her mother in less than 24hours.

"When I clicked on my mum's Facebook profile I couldn't believe it," said 23-year-old Stacey "She looked like me."

"I sent her a message and told her that I had missed her and that I wanted to build a relationship with her.

"She sent me her phone number and I called her. I was shaking as I dialled the number and I just sat staring at the phone for 15 minutes before I made the call."

The mother and daughter were separated in the early 1990s when Stacey and her two brothers moved to live with her father. 

Driven Stacey's online appeal was shared more than 100,000 times on Facebook – helping reunite her with her mother CAVENDISH

Driven Stacey's online appeal was shared more than 100,000 times on Facebook – helping find her mum

Driven Stacey started her eight year-long search for her biological mother on her 15th birthday but only found success after her boyfriend Martin Smith, 22, encouraged her to take the search online.

Stacey, of Chorley, posted a photograph of herself holding a cardboard sign with her mother's name, the hospital she was delivered in, as well as her birth date.

The touching photograph was shared more than 100,000 times on Facebook.

Just one day after speaking to her mother for the first time in 21 years, the emotional pair we reunited face-to-face in a pub near 46-year-old Brenda's home in Blackpool, Lancashire.

"It was very emotional and I was so happy that I had finally found her," said Stacey.

"I went to meet her in a pub and when I saw her I just hugged her and we both cried. We were in shock. It was very emotional. 

"We look a lot like each other and I am quite shy and quiet like her." 

First messages exchanged on Facebook between the mother and daughter – separated for some 22 years CAVENDISH

First messages exchanged on Facebook between the mother and daughter – separated for some 22 years

Stacey added: "Growing up I had always wondered about my mum. I knew her name was Brenda Elizabeth Davies and that she was born in Leyland but I didn't know her age and I had never seen a photograph of her.

"I was born in Manchester but when I was two I went to go and live with my dad, then two years later I moved to Runcorn to live with my granddad and two brothers.

"As I approached my teenage years I always thought about my mum. My friends had good relationships with their mums and I often wondered what it would be like to have a mother-daughter relationship.

"Occasions like Mother's Day and Christmas Day were particularly difficult, and when I reached the age of 16 I started looking for my mum on Facebook and the electoral role.

"When I first met my partner Martin five years ago I confided in him about my long-lost mother and he was so supportive. He has been my rock.

"There were times when I thought I would never be reunited with my mum. She could have passed away or moved abroad for all I knew.

"Last week Martin and I were talking about my mum and he encouraged me to create a sandwich board and use it to look for her on Facebook. 

"I had seen similar posts on social media and I just thought 'why not?' I had nothing to lose."

Finally reunited after two decades – Brenda Drake and daughter Stacey Lee CAVENDISH

Finally reunited after two decades – Brenda Drake and daughter Stacey Lee

Emotional Brenda explained she had changed her surname to Drake after getting married, and had moved to Blackpool soon after being separated from Stacey and her brothers Stuart, now 26, and Steven, now 25.

Brenda had gone on to have four more children, Shannon, 19, Shona, 15, Aaron, 9, and Sabrina, 8.

"I regret losing contact with my three eldest children," she confessed.

"I thought about them a lot, especially at times like Christmas. I tried looking for them but I always came to a dead end. 

"I always thought that they would come looking for me when they turned 16 but I never heard anything from them.

"When I received the Facebook message from Stacey I couldn't believe it. She was so beautiful and I just couldn't wait to meet her. 

"Stacey is so sweet and adorable and my other children were so pleased to find out they had an older sister. 

"We are all looking forward to the future and I am going to be reunited with my two sons Stuart and Steven too." 

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