Man charged after spending EIGHT hours wandering on Houses of Parliament roof

A 23-YEAR-OLD man has been charged after spending EIGHT hours wandering around the roof of the Houses of Parliament.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

The 23-year-old was arrested at 5am this morning on suspicion of criminal damage and trespassingSPLASH•GETTY

The 23-year-old was arrested at 5am this morning on suspicion of criminal damage and trespassing

Braydon Liam Anderson, from Northampton was today charged with criminal damage and trespass on a protected site after spending almost all-night strolling the iconic London rooftop.

Police negotiators managed to talk him down and he was arrested just after 5am this morning and taken to a central London police station.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "Braydon Liam Anderson, 23 of Portland Place, Northampton was charged today, Sunday, 8 March, with criminal damage and trespass on a protected site.

"He will appear in custody at Westminster Magistrates' Court tomorrow, Monday, 9 March."

He's just walking up and down, looking a bit vacant

Anonymous eye-witness

Video footage of Anderspm can be clearly seen as he walks around the roof in a grey top and dark trousers, appeared online yesterday.

Police negotiators, fire brigade and London ambulance services rushed to the scene at 9:15pm last night.

One eye-witness told the Daily Telegraph: "He's just walking up and down, looking a bit vacant.

"Tourists are stopping to look. He doesn't have any flags or banners."

Police negotiators, fire brigade and London ambulance services rushed to the scene EPA

Police negotiators, fire brigade and London ambulance services rushed to the scene last night

Photographs show the unnamed man walking around the roof, without visible sign of a protest campaign EPA

Photographs show the unnamed man walking around the roof, without visible sign of a protest campaign

Pictured wearing a grey top and dark trousers, the 23-year-old looks down at gathering crowds SPLASH

Pictured wearing a grey top and dark trousers, the 23-year-old looks down at gathering crowds

The Houses of Parliament have been targeted by protestors in the past – including campaign groups against a third runway at Heathrow and by Greenpeace.

But the unnamed Briton on the roof last night did not appear any campaign banners or flags, witnesses reported.

"At this stage it is too early to ascertain the reason as to why the man was trespassing on the roof," Scotland Yard said.

Mystery Man Spotted on Roof of London Parliament Building

However, a police source told the Daily Mail there was no suspicion of a suicide attempt.

More than 5,000 protesters yesterday gathered outside Parliament for a demonstration on climate change.

Controversial comedian Russell Brand and fashion designer Vivienne Westwood were among the campaigners.

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