Harry seals a £10bn City deal

PRINCE Harry closed a £10 billion deal in the City of London today in his riskiest conversation since he called in air strikes in Afghanistan.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry makes the mega deal today Prince Harry makes the mega-deal today

Aided by brokers, he carried out a series of high-stakes trades over the phone before giving the traditional shout of "Yours" to signal the deal was done.

The third in line to the throne, who will find out tomorrow whether he has passed the selection process to become a trainee Army helicopter pilot, was at the London offices of the global brokerage firm ICAP for the firm's annual charity day, on which it gives away all revenues and commissions.

Harry, 24, worked the phones with brokers, wearing fancy dress for the day, to raise money for worthy causes including his own charity Sentebale, which helps Aids orphans in the African country of Lesotho.

Coached by excited brokers, Harry spoke to traders across the City who had been pre-warned they might be speaking to a royal broker.

John Herbert, ICAP's managing director of foreign exchange and money markets, saw the Prince take part in a trade on the sterling desk.

"He did a '10 yard' trade - a £10billion sterling trade in something called a 'sonia', a sterling overnight index swap," said Mr Herbert, who was wearing an elaborate Widow Twankey outfit.

"He performed very well, although he was slightly nervous and in the previous five minutes he was heard to say 'I think I'm going to mess this up', three times."

In the past 16 years ICAP's charity days have raised £42 million, including £9.2 million last year.

As well as Sentebale, other charities supported included Refuge, which offers women and children practical help in escaping domestic violence, and the homelessness charity Shelter.

Prince William attended the charity day in 2006 and Prince Andrew joined brokers last year.

Earlier in the day, Harry appealed for the public to send packets of Sainsbury's chicken tikka masala in food parcels to British troops serving in Afghanistan and Iraq.

During an awards ceremony for children of courage at Westminster Abbey, he met 10-year-old Keaton Peppiatt from Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, who won his award for sending 400 gift boxes to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

When Keaton and his father Lyntton, 46, asked what sort of treats should be included in the boxes, Harry, who spent 10 weeks fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan at the start of this year, told him: "Sweets, drinks and chicken tikka masala from Sainsbury's in a packet. That was my favourite meal out there."

Keaton said: "He told me that the Chicken tikka masala meal was really good. He said it was really hot in Afghanistan and the meals were disgusting, and just said 'keep on sending the boxes'."

Among guests at the star-studded ceremony were Kimberley Walsh and Nicola Roberts from Girls Aloud. But the three other members of the pop group, including X-Factor judge Cheryl Cole, cried off at the last moment, saying they were too busy.

A spokeswoman for the awards organisers said: "It's a big disappointment. We had been told all the group were coming."

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