Prince Harry pays tribute to Diana with royal cypher

PRINCE Harry has paid tribute to his mother Princess Diana by choosing an official motif in almost exactly the same colour as hers.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

FIRST LOOK Harry s royal blue cypher with coronet right was chosen in honour of Diana FIRST LOOK: Harry's royal blue cypher with coronet (right) was chosen in honour of Diana

His blue royal cypher with coronet, revealed for the first time today after he and his brother Prince William set up their own private office, was deliberately selected by the third in line to the throne in honour of Diana.

“It’s a very touching way for him to pay tribute to his late mother,” a royal aide said.

William’s, meanwhile, is in the same red as the royal cyphers or monograms of both his father Prince Charles and his grandmother the Queen, reflecting his direct position behind them as a future King in the line of succession.

Each member of the Royal Family has his or her own cypher, a type of logo, such as the Queen’s ERII, made from their initials in a tradition dating back to Tudor times.

The two young Princes have been using their W and H cyphers, which were designed by the College of Arms and approved by the Queen, privately for some time but they will now be seen on all official paperwork coming out of their new office at St James’s Palace.

Courtiers have described their decision to set up their own household at the palace and move their small team of staff out of Clarence House as a first sign that William, 26, and Harry, 24,  are starting to come out of their father’s shadow.

“In practice, it doesn’t mean too much yet, as they are both going to be serving officers in the Armed Forces for the foreseeable future, but it’s a symbolic step that reflects their increased independence,” a senior royal aide said.

They will still rely on their father’s money though. The office will be funded by his £16 million private income from the Duchy of Cornwall estate and the staff will rely on resources from Clarence House.

The Queen, who has approved the creation of the new household, headed by the Princes’ private secretary since 2005, Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, has also given them a new mentor.

Sir David Manning, a former British ambassador to Washington who also acted as Tony Blair’s foreign policy advisor, has been appointed as their part-time unpaid advisor.

“It was the Queen’s idea to have such a figure and she approved the appointment of Sir David,” said a royal aide.

She was inspired by the advice and support she received from Sir Frederick Browning, a retired general known as Boy Browning who acted as her treasurer when she was Princess Elizabeth in the four years before she became monarch in 1952.

Browning, who was second in command of Operation Market Garden, the stalled Allied thrust into Germany via Holland in 1944 - his part was played by Dirk Bogarde in the hit film A Bridge Too Far -  was one of her most trusted courtiers and went onto work for Prince Philip  until 1959.

Sir David, 59, will advise the Princes on international affairs and political issues. Since retiring from the diplomatic service, he has taken on non-executive directorships at Lloyds TSB, BG - formerly British Gas - and the UK arm of Lockheed Martin, the world’s largest defence contractor.

Royal aides insisted there would be no conflict of interest between his directorships and his work for the Princes.

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