1,000 years of royal history on show in 'stunning' Abbey gallery

A GALLERY with breathtaking views of the inside of Westminster Abbey is opening for the first time to showcase 300 treasures chronicling 1,000 years of history.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Westminster Abbey gallery

Abbey treasure: The Queen at the spot where she was crowned (Image: PA / EPA)

The Abbey's medieval triforium, 52ft up, was once hailed by poet John Betjeman as "the best view in Europe" but was used for storage.

Now it has been transformed into the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Galleries as part of a £23million privatelyfunded redevelopment. 

Visitors will reach it via a new tower, the first major addition to the church since 1745, when it opens to the public on June 11.

Exhibits range from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's wedding licence to funeral effigies of monarchs like Henry VII and Mary I.

The visitor will gain far greater insight into the life and history of the Abbey than ever before

Dr John Hall

And there is a portrait of the Queen at the spot where she was crowned.

Vanessa Simeoni, head conservator, said: "It's the first time that we've ever, in the history of the abbey, had the public up here." 

The Very Rev Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster, said: "The views are breathtaking, the displays fascinating. The visitor will gain far greater insight into the life and history of the Abbey than ever before."

Other priceless items include Mary II's Coronation Chair, created for William III and Mary II's coronation in 1689, the only joint one in English history.

Also on display is the 13th century Westminster Retable, the oldest surviving altarpiece in England.

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