Charles tells Venice to copy...Middlesbrough

WHAT’S the difference between ­Middlesbrough and Venice?

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

VIEWPOINT Prince Charles is in Italy VIEWPOINT: Prince Charles is in Italy

One is a vision of how a city can use fine architecture and care for the ­environment to build a shining beacon for humanity. The other is in Italy.

Or at least that is how Prince Charles sold the jewel of Teesside to the ­Venetians yesterday.

Its football team may be sinking faster than the 117 islands that make up the Serene Republic of Venice, but Charles thinks Middlesbrough, home to steel and chemical factories that have earned its inhabitants the affectionate nickname Smoggies, can still teach the Renaissance city on the ­Adriatic a thing or two.

The Prince invited advisers from a Tees Valley regeneration scheme to join him at a conference in Venice yesterday and explain how they have transformed areas of Middlesbrough and Stockton.

Italian business leaders and architects trying to redevelop a derelict industrial zone in Venice, listened while they outlined how they are overseeing a £2billion project to revitalise the ­Middlehaven dockside area of Middlesbrough, North Shore in Stockton, and other areas with housing, offices and factories.

Neil Kenley, from Tees Valley Regeneration, said: “It seemed unlikely and it was a surprise when we were invited.”

Charles told the ­Venetians they could learn from England’s North-east.

He said: “I would argue that it is possible to redevelop post-industrial areas such as the Venice lagoon in a way which recalls Venice’s reputation as a pinnacle of achievement in building cities, demonstrating the rich variety of expression in the built environment that comes from a place that has evolved over time, with reference to both a living tradition and an openness to learning from cultural and natural influences.”

But they must be careful not to ­create a “historical theme park, characterised by pastiche buildings which simply mimic what has gone before,” he said.

While Charles was outlining his vision, wife Camilla saw tourist Venice, travelling the Grand Canal by gondola to visit the Guggenheim Museum.

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