Pentagon chiefs ordered to publish UFO intelligence

US DEFENCE chiefs have been ordered to compile a public analysis of UFOs by senators.

NASA: Colourful ‘UFO’ spotted on ISS feed

The US Senate Intelligence Committee, led by Senator Marco Rubio, voted to ask the Pentagon to team up with intelligence agencies to review all data and intelligence on “unidentified aerial phenomenon”.

Information sharing and coordination across the Intelligence Community has been inconsistent

Senate Intelligence Committee

The bill says: “The Committee remains concerned that there is no unified, comprehensive process within the Federal Government for collecting and analysing intelligence on unidentified aerial phenomena, despite the potential threat.

“The Committee understands that the relevant intelligence may be sensitive; nevertheless, the Committee finds that the information sharing and coordination across the Intelligence Community has been inconsistent, and this issue has lacked attention from senior leaders.”

The bill calls on the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force at the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) to standardise data collection and to see if any UFOs are linked to "adversarial foreign governments” or threated “US military assets and installations".


US officials have been told to release information on UFOs (Image: GETTY)

The Intelligence Committee requested the unclassified analysis within 180 days of the bill’s passage, including from the ONI, the FBI, satellites and human spies.

The committee asked for clarification on how the agencies share information and who is responsible for what and “recommendations regarding increased collection of data, enhanced research and development, and additional funding and other resources.”

The Pentagon released videos of “unidentified” flying objects in April that had previously been leaked to the public.

READ MORE: Alien hunters spot carving on Martian warrior in cliffs of Mars

Marco Rubio

Intelligence Committee chairman Marco Rubio (Image: GETTY)

UFO enthusiasts have been excitedly sharing an archive NASA Apollo mission photo purporting to show an "alien lunar base".

The monochrome Moon image, which is the source of the extraterrestrial speculation, is publicly available from the NASA archives.

The photo, apparently shot during one of the Apollo mission, which ran between 1961 to 1972, shows the looming lunar surface as a probe approaches or leaves.

Alien life conspiracy theorist Scott Waring took to his blog to speculate about his latest find.

Pentagon Officials

Pentagon Officials have been told to share data on UFOs (Image: GETTY)

He said: "I found a structure in a NASA moon photo the other day and I decided to highlight it with yellow to make it more visible to others.

"Then I saw another and then another. I held onto the photo for a few day, highlighting a new buildings every so often because my eyes need a break.

"It takes a lot of focus and patience to see the things in the black and white photo correctly.

"It is hard, even for me, that is why I highlighted the structures."

Some of the lunar patches picked out the UFO hunter he describes as "containers".

And another oddly shaped object sitting on the Moon's pockmarked surface is categorised as a "spaceship".

One of the strangest – and apparently largest – of the sightings is identified by Mr Waring as a "alien industrial complex".

He added: "There are some incredible structures I found here – about 40 but I did see many more, but the detail was so poor on these I decided to leave them alone.

"It is hard, even for me, that is why I highlighted the structures."

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The famous UFO crash site at Roswell (Image: GETTY)

Some of the lunar patches picked out the UFO hunter he describes as "containers".

And another oddly shaped object sitting on the Moon's pockmarked surface is categorised as a "spaceship".

One of the strangest – and apparently largest – of the sightings is identified by Mr Waring as a "alien industrial complex".

He said: "There are some incredible structures I found here – about 40 but I did see many more, but the detail was so poor on these I decided to leave them alone."

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