Urgent warning as devastating loan app scam blackmailing victims with naked pictures

Sixty people have killed themselves in just one country after becoming victims of the horrific fraud operation.

Callflex Corporation

Callflex Corporation employees say anything they want as long as they get the repayment (Image: BBC)

Dozens of people have already killed themselves as rogue call centres continue to terrorise people using dodgy instant loan apps.

An extensive investigation has uncovered a blackmail scam which uses brutal techniques, such as sharing "naked" photographs of the victims with their entire contacts list.

This dodgy operation has its tentacles in at least 14 countries around the world and is destroying the lives of hundreds – call by call.

It targets people using apps that promise quick, hassle-free loans.

Not all fast-paced loan apps are dodgy but some use sensitive information, including photos, ID cards and your contact list.

Callflex Corporation

Vishal Chaurasia said he would 'torture' clients to make repayments (Image: BBC)

When customers don’t pay back their loans on time, or even if they do, teams of temporary fraudsters working in the gig economy throw everything they’ve got at the victims to get the money.

In some cases, that includes sending photoshopped pornographic photos to all the victim’s contacts or hurling abuse at them.

But these aren’t off-script calls, they’re all supervised by managers, the BBC reports.

One manager of a horrible call centre named Callflex Corporation, who didn’t realise he was being investigated, admitted to an undercover worker collaborating with the BBC that the customers "pays because of the shame".

He added that his staff can say anything, as long as they get the repayment.

A former worker at one of these operations called Rohan, who felt guilty about his work, collaborated with the BBC to delve inside the call centres. He applied for jobs at Majesty Legal Services and Callflex -- filming undercover for weeks. At Callflex, he witnessed agents threatening customers and abusing them with obscene language.

A woman named Bhoomi from India told of the horror she experienced at the hands of a company called Asan Loan. In 2021, she borrowed around $565 dollars from several loan apps to pay off her expenses.

When she was due to repay her expenses but hadn’t yet paid, she borrowed from another app and then another.

Her spiral resulted in a debt of the equivalent of $24,000. Soon the calls started and she started praying the morning would never come. Without fail, she’d start receiving a call at 7am every day.

She eventually paid the money but one company called Asan Loan didn’t stop calling. One day her colleague showed her a naked, pornographic picture of her that he’d been sent. Her head had been stuck on another body. But the image was enough to fill her with shame and she collapsed at her colleague’s desk.

Asan Loan sent the picture to every single contact in her phone book.

She has since been ostracised by the community where she lived for 40 years.

"As of today, I have no friends. It's just me I guess."

She filed a police report but heard nothing. All she was able to do was change her number and dump her sim card.

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