Egypt brings back former premier

The Egyptian ruling military has asked a Mubarak-era prime minister to head the next government.

Kamal el Ganzouri has been asked to lead Egypt s next government Xinhua Kamal el-Ganzouri has been asked to lead Egypt's next government (Xinhua) [PA]

The Egyptian ruling military has asked a Mubarak-era prime minister to head the next government.

Kamal el-Ganzouri, 78, served as prime minister in the 1990s under president Hosni Mubarak, who was toppled in a popular uprising in February.

The announcement on state TV followed a meeting between Mr el-Ganzouri and military ruler Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi.

Mr el-Ganzouri will replace Essam Sharaf, who resigned this week amid deadly clashes between police and protesters calling for the military to immediately step down.

His appointment is likely to anger the protesters, already seething over the military's perceived reluctance to dismantle the legacy of Mubarak's 29-year rule.

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