Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Barack Obama take part in 'Ice Bucket Challenge'

THE LATEST viral trend has celebrities including Justin Timberlake, Mark Zuckerberg and Martha Stewart dumping enormous buckets of freezing-cold water over themselves.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Mark Zuckerberg Accepts Ice Bucket Challenge (Official video HD)

Tipping buckets of chilled water over their heads, anyone who takes part in the challenge then gets the opportunity to nominate a further three people to drench themselves within the next 24 hours.

Failing to perform the stunt in the allotted time means giving a donation to charity.

In the US, the craze is helping to fund research into Lou Gehrig's disease, known in the UK as motor neurone disease.

I can’t help but feel this challenge could have done so much more good if it were structured differently

Jacob Davidson

As the icy water soaks the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg challenges the richest man on Earth, Bill Gates, to take part in the stunt, along with Facebook co-worker Sheryl Sandberg and Netflix founder Reed Hastings.

"That was really cold" shivers Zuckerberg in the video posted to Facebook – which has been shared and liked almost 300,000 times in the past 48 hours.

US President Barack Obama has reportedly declined to get soaked but has instead made a donation.

Motor neurone disease is a fatal condition that makes sufferers slowly lose muscle control, including the ability to eat, speak, swallow – and even breathe.

Life expectancy for those who contract this incurable disease is usually between three to four years after diagnosis and  the only drug available for the condition extends that by only a few months.

Listing the available treatment options, the NHS lists one course of treatment: "Make the person feel comfortable and have the best quality of life possible, trying to compensate for the progressive loss of bodily functions such as mobility, communication, swallowing and breathing".

Mark Zuckerberg throws a bucket over his head to show support for the viral, awareness campaign Mark Zuckerberg throws a bucket over his head to show support for the viral, awareness campaign [IG]

The Ice Bucket Challenge has so far raised over $4 million (£2.4 million) for the ALS foundation – a US charity supporting the disease – a figure over three times what it received during the same period last year.  

UK charity Macmillan Cancer Support has also set up a page encouraging people to take part and donate.

But the trend – which focuses on the neknominate-like viral videos – has attracted some criticism for distracting from the act of donating to charities.

Writing in Time magazine, Jacob Davidson states that "the challenge even seems to be suggesting that being cold, wet, and uncomfortable is preferable to fighting ALS [motor neurone disease].

"I can’t help but feel this challenge could have done so much more good if it were structured differently. In an age where hashtag activism and information-free awareness campaigns are becoming more and more common, we should be very conscious of how to make viral trends as useful as possible".

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