Battle against Islamic State: Terrorists suffer 'heavy losses' in war-torn Kobani

AFTER weeks of an unstoppable Islamic State (IS) onslaught in the besieged town of Kobani, Kurdish fighters are reportedly regaining territory against the violent extremists.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

US-led airstrikes have concentrated on the Syrian border town of Kobani US-led airstrikes have concentrated on the Syrian border town of Kobani [REUTERS]

US-led airstrikes continue to bombard the border town – which is the only landmark stopping IS (also referred to as ISIL and ISIS) from consolidating a 60 mile stretch of land along the Turkish border.

But today Kurdish fighters reported pushing back IS forces in the pivotal town Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had assured the world was "about to fall" to IS rebels just ten days ago.

As the fiercest shelling in days by the insurgents shock the Kobani's town centre this morning, US-led coalition jets responded with strikes on targets around the besieged Syrian town.

Head of US Central Command General Lloyd J. Austin said: "My goal is to defeat and ultimately destroy ISIL.

"And if he continues to present us with major targets, as he has done in the Kobani area, then clearly we’ll service those targets.”

Smoke and flames rise over Syrian town of Kobani after an airstrike Smoke and flames rise over Syrian town of Kobani after an airstrike [REUTERS]

Airstrikes are not enough. It's reduced ISIS, but it's not enough to defeat them

Idriss Nassan, senior Kobani official

But a group monitoring the violence in Syria today reported that a recent US-led strike in Kobani had killed seven civilians.

UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has reported that seven civilians were killed as an airstrike on a gas distribution facility in a stronghold of the IS group triggered a series of deadly secondary explosions.

US-led coalition airstrikes have aggressively targeted IS-held oil facilities in Syria, as they are known to provide a key source of income for the militants.

But the nature of these strikes can also endanger civilians.

US Central Command spokesman Colonel Patrick Ryder said: "We have seen no evidence at this time to corroborate claims of civilian casualties. I can assure you that before any mission, every precaution is taken to ensure civilians are not harmed.

“Regardless, we take reports of civilian casualties or damage to civilian facilities seriously and we have a process to investigate each allegation.”

US-led airstrikes have continued to bombard the Syria town – reportedly killing seven civilians US-led airstrikes have continued to bombard the Syria town – reportedly killing seven civilians [REUTERS]

Senior Kobani official Idriss Nassan, has praised the coalition airstrikes in the area – claiming that they have helped halt the advance of the militants. 

But he said the Kurdish fighters defending Kobani would need more weapons and ammunition to ultimately save the town.

Mr Nassan said: "Airstrikes are not enough.

"It's reduced ISIS, but it's not enough to defeat them"

Kurdish fighters have torn down the symbolic IS flag planted on the border of the town Kurdish fighters have torn down the symbolic IS flag planted on the border of the besieged town [GETTY]

Kurdish Fighters tore down the defiant and symbolic jet-black flag of IS, raised on a hill overlooking the pivotal border town at the start of the extremists' month-long assault .

More than 500 people have died during the fighting in and around Kobani – mostly fighters from both sides – while a further 200,000 people have been forced to flee across the border into Turkey.

It is estimated that another 700 people remain trapped within the war-torn town. 

But despite the continuing violence and loss of life, Turkey has yet to intervene in the bloodshed raging in town – just a few hundred metres from its border.

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