Ex-Chelsea footballer set to buy Italian villa 'cursed by Tutankhamun'

A FORMER Premier League footballer is looking to move into an £18.5million Italian mansion – despite locals warning him it is HAUNTED by the curse of the Tutankhamun.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Former Everton striker Samuel Eto'o is looking to buy the £18.5million 'cursed' Italian mansion GETTY•CEN

Former Everton striker Samuel Eto'o is looking to buy the £18.5million 'cursed' Italian mansion

Ex-Chelsea and Everton striker Samuel Eto'o is said to be looking to snap up the spooky coastal villa despite its chilling history.

The Cameroonian footballer, who moved to Italian side Sampdoria last month, is understood to be willing to pay £2.2million to renovate the historic property in Portofino, near Genoa in northern Italy.

He knows the history, everyone around here knows the history. But Eto'o still loves the house and sees a chance to make a palace of his own there

Estate agent, for the Villa Altachiara

However, Villa Altachiara, the former home of Lord Carnarvon, is believed to be jinxed with the 'Curse of the Pharaoh'.

Lord Carnarvon was working with famous English archaeologist Howard Carter when the two men made the extraordinary discovery of the tomb of Ancient Egyptian ruler Tutankhamun in the north African country, opening the 'cursed' inner chamber February 16 1923.

Many believe those who opened the tomb of "The Boy King" - the richest burial site ever found - were subsequently cursed.

Of the 58 people present when Tutankhamun's long-lost tomb was opened, eight died within a dozen years.

Following their find, self-confessed sceptic Mr Carter reported in his diary seeing jackals like Anubis, the Ancient Egyptian protector of the dead, for the first time in 35 years of working in the desert.

And George Herbert, the Fifth Earl of Carnarvon, is widely regarded as the first victim of the 'curse'.

The £18.5million Italian mansion has had a tragic historyCEN

The £18.5million Italian mansion has had a tragic history

In 2001, former Gucci model and heiress Countess Francesca Agusta vanished from the cliff-top property CEN

In 2001, former Gucci model and heiress Countess Francesca Agusta vanished from the cliff-top house

Estate Agents have estimated £2.2million is needed to renovate the historic property in PortofinoCEN

Estate Agents have estimated £2.2million is needed to renovate the historic property in Portofino

The aristocrat accidentally nicked a mosquito bite while shaving, later dying of an infection and the subsequent blood poisoning at the age of 56, in April 1923.

His nephew then died a few months later, after tumbling down a flight of steps at the Villa Altachiara in Italy.

However, fears of the 'curse' did not stop there.

In 2001, former Gucci model and heiress Countess Francesca Agusta vanished from the cliff-top property.

Three weeks later, her body washed up near the French town of Saint-Tropez.

Yet, Mr Eto'o does not appear to gave been put off by the villa's tragic history.

Top 10 Facts About Tutankhamun

The 33-year-old is currently living in a hotel and is said to be smitten with the 1,100 square-metre palazzo house.

With 40 rooms and a swimming pool, it is also surrounded by 30,000 square-metres of rolling parkland along the Tyrrhenian coast near the fishing village of Portofino.

One estate agent, who asked not to be named, told local media: "He knows the history, everyone around here knows the history.

"Some say the spirit of Countess Francesca Vacca Agusta still walks the estate looking for her husband and you can her shouting for him on the wind.

"But Eto'o still loves the house and sees a chance to make a palace of his own there."

Villa Altachiara was the holiday home of Lord Carnarvon with his main residence, Highclere Castle, now famous as the setting for ITV drama Downton Abbey. 

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