'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON

A DESPERATE mother was tricked into feasting on cooked meat from the body of her son by Islamic State militants, it has been claimed.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Yasir Abdulla, left, reported the horrific account from the frontline against the Islamic State BEN LACK•GETTY

Yasir Abdulla, left, reported the horrific account from the frontline against the Islamic State

The famished Kurdish mother had gone to plead with the jihadists to release her son. 

Cruel militants delayed talks with the elderly mum – feeding her a meal made with the corpse of her offspring while she waited.

The depraved story was relayed by a brave Briton fighting on the front line with Kurdish forces against the Islamic State, also referred to as IS, ISIS and ISIL. 

They had killed him and chopped him up and after she finished the meal and asked to see her son they laughed and said, 'You've just EATEN him'

Yasir Abdulla

Yasir Abdulla left behind his wife and children at their Yorkshire home for six months to battle for his Kurdish homeland.

The 36-year-old said the disturbing story was the cause of his hatred against IS – and one of the reasons he has vowed to return to his war-ravaged native county and "finish the job".

The father-of-four told The Sun: "I hate IS because of what happened to an old Kurdish woman from a nearby tribe.

"Her son was captured by IS fighters and taken as a prisoner to Mosul. She was determined to find her son and went to IS headquarters and asked to see him.

"The IS men told her to sit down because she had travelled a long way and said she should have some food before they took her to meet her son.

"They brought her cups of tea and fed her a meal of cooked meat, rice and soup. She thought they were so kind.

But security guard Mr Abdulla then adds: "They had killed him and chopped him up and after she finished the meal and asked to see her son they laughed and said, 'You've just EATEN him'."

Brave Yasir Abdulla spent six months fighting against the Islamic State BEN LACK

Brave Yasir Abdulla spent six months fighting against the Islamic State

"They burn people alive, they chop off people's heads, there is no limit to their depravity.

"They are not Muslims, they have hijacked Islam. All they do is hate."

The shocking account is just the latest in a string of disturbing executions and punishments administered by the immoral group.

In February, IS released a highly-choreographed propaganda film showing Jordanian fighter pilot Lieutenant Mouath al-Kasaesbeh soaked in fuel and being burned alive inside a cage.

Another video from the organisation showed a man believed to be gay thrown from a seven-storey building. The 50-year-old man, who was blindfolded throughout his sickening fall, is seen to be still alive after hitting the ground below. 

He was later stoned to his death by a waiting mob.

Some have interpreted the perceived increase in brutality from the Islamic State as a sign of their weakness.

The terror organisation have suffered a number of defeats recently, including the loss of two strongholds in Iraq.

Last week, Kurdish gunmen stormed the town of Tel Hamis and fought back control from Islamic State rebels.

The group, aided by US-led coalition airstrikes, previously won back the seized border town of Kobani.

Back from the battlefield, Briton Yasir Abdulla lives in Yorkshire with his wife and children BEN LACK

Back from the battlefield, Briton Yasir Abdulla lives in Yorkshire with his wife and children

Infamous Islamic State militant Jihadi John, who is believed to have orchestrated the beheadings of dozens of hostages, was last week unmasked as a hypocritical cannabis smoker from west London.

Fearless Mr Abdulla, speaking after temporarily returning to his family home in Keighley, West Yorkshire, said: "IS are very good at making people scared.

"If they make one person scared then that person will make another person scared and soon everyone is scared of IS.

"But the Kurds are not scared of them. Someone has to stand and fight. We have got thousands of people in many villages and towns behind us.

"If we fall then all of those places fall, and that can't happen. The Peshmerga [Military forces of Iraqi Kurdistan] can't wait to take the fight to IS.

"We know we can win."

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