Coronation Street theory: Weatherfield rocked as street icon dies in tragic twist

CORONATION STREET icon Yasmeen Metcalfe has been desperate to believe that her friend Stu Carpenter is innocent of the crimes he has been arrested for. However, in a new theory from, the residents of Weatherfield could have their lives come crashing down as a tragic death rocks the cobbles.

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Yasmeen (played by Shelley King) recently went to visit Stu (Bill Fellows) in prison to try and get a straight answer about what he was mixed up in. After feeling like she couldn't trust him, Stu told her to speak to his old lawyer to get the truth. This seemed to do the trick as she began to feel worse about not trying to help him. In Wednesday's episode, Stu was finally let out and returned to Weatherfield, however many were furious he decided to try and fight his case, including his ex-wife. The quest for innocence may come at a price for the Stu and the Nazir/Metcalfe family as they could be met with a tragic end.

During the recent episode, Yasmeen felt downcast and confused over the situation she had gotten herself in with Stu.

However, she decided to move past her feelings and surprised him at the prison after he was released and had a heart-to-heart in Victoria Garden.

He asked if she thought the prison was "stupid" to let him out the first time, but she told the chef: "I don't actually.

"I spoke to Norman yesterday and he told me he thought you were innocent and that he had let you down.

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Coronation Street theory: Weatherfield rocked as street icon dies in tragic twist

Coronation Street theory: Weatherfield rocked as street icon dies in tragic twist (Image: ITV)

Coronation Street theory: Weatherfield rocked as street icon dies in tragic twist

Alya and Yasmeen recently visited Stu in prison to get some more information (Image: ITV)

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Coronation Street deaths

Coronation Street's death toll is extremely high, even for a TV show that has been airing for 60 years.

The cobbles have seen their fair share of bloodshed and tragedy as characters come and go.

From terrifying serial killers to devastating illnesses,

"It still haunts him all those lost years. I know we can't offer you all those years back but Alya, Zeedan and I would very much like to help you find a future for yourself."

"And us?" Stu questioned, giving her an emotional look. However, she let him down: "I can't offer you anything more than friendship, I am sorry. Have you got somewhere to stay?"

Stu said: "Oh yeah I am at the hostel, don't worry it is going to be fine. Probably for the best as people round here won't be pleased to see me, I put money on it."

After reuniting with Alya, Zeedan and Roy Cropper (David Neilson), Yasmeen encouraged Stu to go and tell his daughter Bridget about his plan to clear his name.

Coronation Street theory: Weatherfield rocked as street icon dies in tragic twist

Arriving back on the Cobbles, Bernie and Dev were furious to see Stu (Image: ITV)

Coronation Street theory: Weatherfield rocked as street icon dies in tragic twist

Seeing how he had been treated, Yasmeen took Stu back in to help his case (Image: ITV)

Although his arrival was met with a cold reaction at first, Bridget Woodrow (Beth Vyse) allowed Stu to say what he needed to.

"I am hiring a solicitor and I am going to try and clear my name. I didn't kill Charlie. I know you think I did and I know I only have myself to blame for that.

"But maybe if I had been a better dad I am not capable of such a thing. I am just trying to put everything right, especially now I know I have a grandchild.

"I don't want Eliza growing up thinking I am some sort of monster like you did. I am so sorry for everything I put you and your mum through, I wish I never set eyes on the poor girl, but my only crime was having an affair."

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His ex-wife Lucy Woodrow (Lynda Rooke) arrived home and warned Stu to stay away, but he insisted that he was going to have a relationship with his daughter, and she had no right to stop them.

Back on the cobbles, Alya asked how their meeting went, he explained: "Not great, she said if I don't drop this I have no chance at a relationship with Bridget.

"I have got a granddaughter I didn't know about. Her name is Eliza and she is beautiful just like her mum. She needs a grandad she is not ashamed of."

Seeing Stu for the first time and overhearing their conversation, Bernie Winter (Jane Hazelgrove) exclaimed: "Oi, what is he doing back here?"

With Dev Alahan (Jimmi Harkishin) adding: "Please tell me you're not moving him back in again?"

Bernie continued: "He is a convicted murderer, we have got our families to think about. Sling your hook because your not welcome here and neither are you if you let that man stay in your house."

Yasmeen hit back: "Well that settles it then, get your bags Stu, you're moving back in."

Stu has some major work to do if he is going to try and clear his name for the sake of a relationship with Bridget and Eliza.

However, with Lucy being adamant to keep Stu away from her family, will she go to extreme lengths to keep Stu away? She could hire someone to take Stu out of the picture.

The residents of Weatherfield are also angry to see Stu back on the street and could ruffle some feathers.

Yasmeen has also put herself in danger by helping Stu and allowing him back into her home, knowing that his reputation in the community has been tarnished.

Will Stu and Yasmeen be targetted by someone who has a vendetta against them?

Could someone from Stu's past and the original case track him down in order to save themselves and stop the truth from coming out?

Coronation Street airs Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8pm on ITV

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