Venables: Macca is under the cosh

Terry Venables has admitted that the future is bleak for England boss Steve McClaren.

Terry Venables Terry Venables

Venables, McClaren’s No2, believes that unless England qualify for Euro 2008, then the axe is almost certain to fall, such are the tremendous pressures placed upon national team coaches in the modern game.

Venables,  who took England to the semi-finals of Euro 96 during his spell as coach, said: “The England job’s always been hard.

“It’s very difficult to win over people – unless you win the competition you are in.

“Maybe it’s okay to reach the final or even have some bad luck in the semi-final but basically everyone wants one thing – they want their team to win.

“Everyone is getting more critical. The things that go with being England manager – the fans, the press – there are often conflicts.

“You are putting your neck on the line as an international manager.


All the top international sides are looking for the same rewards. You have to make sure you are tough.”

England’s European Championship qualifying fate will virtually be decided in Tel Aviv on

November 17.

A win for Russia against Israel in Tel Aviv will almost certainly see McClaren’s side eliminated from Euro 2008.

If that happens then despite the odds being stacked against it happening in today’s win or else culture Venables would like to see the FA spare his boss.

He said: “If you keep changing and changing you get nowhere.”

Venables also believes that another England man under pressure, Spurs keeper Paul Robinson has to tough it out. Robinson was criticised for Russia’s winner in the damaging 2-1 defeat in Moscow last month and is under pressure to keep his place in the final group game against leaders Croatia at Wembley on November 21.

England’s assistant boss said: “Like anyone in that situation, when it’s hot he has got to keep a very cool, cold head.

“You are a professional because you can perform under pressure. Anyone can go the park and do it can’t they? When you are under pressure you’ve got to do it again and again.

You are putting your neck on the line as an international Manager

Terry Venables

“He has handled it very well. He has been in a very difficult situation. I have no doubts that he will come through it. He fronts things up. He doesn’t hide.

“He has got the backbone you need. He has got a lot of caps and games behind him at Leeds United and Tottenham.

He has also got Ray Clemence who works with the keepers who is a very measured guy.

“He has been through it himself and so there is good advice there.”

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