Queen Elizabeth II has never revealed her favourite meal to foreign chefs - THIS is why

QUEEN ELIZABETH II has done a fair bit of travelling round the world during her reign, but one thing she has never done while abroad is reveal her favourite meal to foreign chefs.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Queen Elizabeth II has never divulged her favourite meal to foreign chefs

The Queen’s very first visit was n 1952, when she flew to Kenya. 

It was here where the 91-year-old monarch became queen following the death of her father, King George VI. 

A lot of planning goes into the Queen’s trips away - next to a programme of things to do is what food she’d like cooked for her while she’s there and also what foods she’d like to avoid. 

According to one royal source, Her Majesty has a number of requests. 

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Queen Elizabeth II has never revealed her favourite meal in fear it will all she'll ever be served

As one of her staff told me, ‘If she said she had a favourite meal she would never get served anything else’.

As royal correspondent for The Telegraph, and having covered more than 20 royal tours, Gordon Rayner listed what’s on the Queen’s menu when she goes away. 

He said: “The Master of the Household department will be in the reconnaissance party to tel foreign chefs not to cook anything with garlic or too much spice for fear of giving the Queen bad breath, and not to cook shellfish or anything that could cause food poisoning.”

Gordon goes on to explain that while the Queen likes fish and poultry, she will never divulge what her favourite meal is.  

He added: “As one of her staff told me, ‘If she said she had a favourite meal she would never get served anything else’.” 

But the Queen has revealed her favourite snack and tipple while she’s in transit.

According to the Mail Online, Her Majesty always has a large supply of Earl Grey tea with her, which is created “especially for her by Twinings”. 

She never adds milk or sugar to the hot drink, and instead just drinks it as it is.

Still water by Malvern was also a favoured drink by the monarch, something she used to always have on a flight with her.

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Queen Elizabeth II's favourite snack while travelling however is chocolate biscuit cake

With Malvern going out of business in 2010, it is unknown which water brand the Queen now favours.

Alongside this, there is also a special cake which the Queen never travels without.

A specially made chocolate biscuit cake, or tiffin, is something that she has with her every day.

Darn McGrady, the former personal chef of the queen, revealed to RecipePlus: “The Chocolate Biscuit Cake is the only cake that goes back again and again and again everyday until it's all gone.”

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