Inflation plunges to 4.7% meaning Rishi Sunak has hit target three months early

CPI inflation has fallen below five percent, meaning the Government has hit its target of halving the rate at which prices increase by the end of the year.

By Temie Laleye, Senior personal finance reporter with three years of experience specialising in the changes in mortgage and interest rates, benefits, side hustle success and personal scam stories.

inflation graph

CPI inflation including owner occupiers’ housing costs fell to 4.7 percent (Image: EXPRESS)

UK inflation has dropped to 4.6 percent - even lower than forecast - down from 6.7 percent in September. It peaked at 11.1 percent in October last year.

This is the first time inflation has dropped below five percent in the last two years when figures for October were published this week. It’s still above the Bank of England’s target of two percent, but it’s heading in the right direction.

Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers’ housing costs fell to 4.7 percent, down from 6.3 percent in September.

Core CPI inflation (stripping out energy, food, alcohol and tobacco) fell from 6.1 percent to 5.7 percent

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Sunak pledged to halve inflation in 2023. It stood at just above 10 percent in January.

The drop to less than five percent in the consumer prices index means that he has successfully achieved at least one of the five pledges he announced at the beginning of the year.

rishi sunak

Rishi Sunak, in 2022 promised to halve inflation from its 10.7 percent level (Image: GETTY)

Economists have said the main reason inflation has fallen from its peak of 11.1 percent in October 2022 is due to fall in the energy price cap, which limits what suppliers can charge consumers per unit of energy.

Mr Sunak said: "Inflation works like a tax. It eats into the pound in your pocket, affecting the price of your food shop, your mortgage, the size of your pension pot. This is why halving inflation has been my number one priority.

“Getting it down has involved hard decisions and fiscal discipline. Official figures released this morning confirm we have halved inflation meeting the first of the five priorities I set out at the beginning of this year.

“But while it is welcome news that prices are no longer rising as quickly, we know many people are continuing to struggle, which is why we must stay the course to continue to get inflation all the way back down to two percent.”

food inflation

Food prices were little changed on the month, after rising this time last year (Image: GETTY)

The prime minister made inflation one of the five pledges by which the nation should judge his premiership.

Analysts said a sharp fall in the annual inflation rate could see finance minister Jeremy Hunt cut taxes in his latest budget announcement due next week.

Speaking on what this means for ordinary people, Liam Halligan, economist at GB News said: "It means prices aren't going down but they are going up less quickly than they have in a couple of years.

"This also means interest rates have probably peaked. I doubt we're going to get another interest rate rise now because of this dramatic reduction in inflation.

"It means mortgage rates are going to come down quite sharply. We've already seen that in the last couple of days as speculation about the figure has grown."

The decline to 4.6 percent in the 12 months to October has been largely driven by a sharp drop in energy bills compared to last year - when the Government’s Energy Price Guarantee capped the typical bill at £2,500.

The Price Cap was introduced to protect households from soaring gas and electricity prices - and retreating food inflation amid easing industry pressures

Core CPI, which strips out the more volatile items such as food and energy, eased to 5.7 percent from 6.1 percent in September, with the latest fall helping to cement the view that interest rates may have peaked with no more rate rises to come anytime soon, experts have suggested.

Sarah Coles, head of personal finance, Hargreaves Lansdown explained that although inflation has fallen significantly, "we can't get too excited" as it's not going to be downhill from here.

She said: "Despite this dramatic drop, energy prices are still eye-watering compared to where we were before all this kicked off, which means keeping warm this winter is going to be a horribly expensive business.

"Core inflation fell from 6.1 percent to 5.7 percent. It’s nowhere near as dramatic a drop as overall headline inflation, but the fact it has continued to decline will be music to the ears of the Monetary Policy Committee.

"There are no guarantees that inflation will fall in a straight line from here. There’s even a chance we will have rises along the way – especially if we get a surge in energy or petrol prices. In its latest Monetary Policy Report, the Bank of England increased its inflation forecast for the months to come."

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