Eat Well for Less? Pizzas contain the same amount of calories as THIS shock meal

EAT WELL FOR LESS? aims to help families cut down the cost of their food bill and eat more healthy. And just to put things into perspective, this week, presenters Gregg Wallace and Chris Bavin discovered how many calories some of the nation’s favourite takeaways contain.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Pizza caloriesGETTY

Eat Well for Less: Do you know how many calories are in a takeaway pizza?

The BBC One programme, now in its fourth series, helped the Kahn family from Glasgow this week, whose obsession with takeaways and extravagant food spends were a little out of hand. 

On top of spending £200 or more on food a week, the family were forking out £82 a week on takeaway - which adds up to £350 a month. 

In the UK, Britons spend £28billion on takeaways. 

Dad Ryan said: “We’re reliant on takeaways. It doesn’t have to be a Friday.”

To help the family and viewers better understand how bad takeaways can be for us, Gregg and Chris enlisted the help of a dietician. 

Pizza caloriesBBC ONE

Eat Well for Less: The Kahn family loved their takeaways

We’re reliant on takeaways. It doesn’t have to be a Friday.

A pizza contains six grams of salt, an adults recommended allowance, while a large donner kebab contains a massive 17 grams. 

The average man should aim to have no more than 30g of saturated fat a day, but a pizza contains 50g and a beef burger contains 21g. 

But what Gregg and Chris found most shocking was the calories contained in some takeaways. 

A pizza contains 2,800 calories, which is the same as having eight portions of jacket potatoes with beans. 

To help the family with their takeaway obsession, Gregg and Chris handed them recipe cards so they could make their own healthier versions at home. 

Pizza caloriesBBC ONE

Eat Well for Less: They'd often spend £200 or more a week on their food shop

Each takeaway alternative was a big hit with mum and dad and the kids. 

At the end of the programme, the show’s two presenters revealed what the family could save from takeaways a year if they choose to cook at home instead. 

The donner kebab alternative the family made cost £18.15. 

If they decided to carry on making their own they would save £940 a year. 

Pizza caloriesBBC ONE

Eat Well for Less revealed a pizza has the same calories as eight jacket potatoes with beans

And the prawn noodle stir fry they made cost just £18.65. 

Gregg said: “If you have three home cooked meals a week, you’ll save over £3,000 a year.

“Could you do that?” 

Mum Tina answered: “Yes definitely!” 

Buying a new car can be financially draining - but Shop Well for Less presenter and business journalist Steph McGovern revealed how you could save some cash.

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