Woman reveals she earns £80 an hour by SNUGGLING up to lonely Londoners

PROFESSIONAL cuddler Stella Anna Sonnenbaum sees dozens of men and women every week for both ‘cuddle parties’ and intimate one-on-one seasons.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Cuddler PA Real Life

Stella Anna Sonnenbaum offers lonely Londoners hugs

Her clients can also receive back-rubs, eye-gazing and a special ‘melting hug’ where two people gradually approach each other and result in a mindful embrace. 

While the east Londoner says there is nothing sexual about her services, the unusual practise is often the only human contact lonely Londoners have. 

She said: “A 20 second hug releases oxytocin - known as the ‘love hormone’ - and is released when people bond socially.

“Loneliness is the epidemic of our time. 

“Large numbers of people in big cities are living alone and are not getting their touch needs met 

“As children we are touched a lot by our family. 

“The need does not go away as an adult but the access to being touched goes away. 

“People don’t get enough of this basic human exchange of touch and warmth.”

Cuddler PA Real Life

Stella believes loneliness is the epidemic of our time

Stella, whose background is in mindfulness, first qualified as a professional cuddler in January 2016. 

She now works with men and women of all ages, helping them to understand their desires, overcome their boundaries - and even help them find love. 

She said: “My clients get the tools to meet people and get the basic human contact they need by finding a girlfriend or boyfriend. 

“I lose touch with regular clients and my suspicion is that they get into relationships.” 

Cuddler PA Real Life

Stella is one of only two people to hold cuddle parties in the UK

While many of her clients prefer one-to-one sessions, Stella is one of only two people in the UK who host cuddle parties. 

First, she establishes rules and boundaries - and ensure there is no nudity. Then, the cuddles are invited to chat, give each other back-rubs or just gaze into each others eyes. 

She added: “It takes a lot of personal skills to be a cuddle. It’s about having empathy and being fully present for the person and set clear boundaries. 

“They learn skills they can take into the wider world and help them be more open with others. It’s not a sexual thing, it’s about helping individuals connect with themselves and with others.” 

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