American mum-of-three mysteriously develops GERMAN accent after having a stroke

A MUM-OF-THREE has told how a stroke robbed her of her American accent and saw her start speaking with a Germanic twang.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

German PA Real Life

Despite cruel comments, Tracey is determined to keep positive

Though a formal diagnosis is yet to be made, doctors believe Tracey Peace has ultra-rare Foreign Accent Syndrome. 

This comes after a mother was left with painful red blisters all over her body.

Despite facing cruel comments from strangers, who stare and scoff at her - and even tell her to “go back to where she came from” - the 43-year-old is determined to keep positive. 

In a bid to shed some comic relief on what has been an incredible testing time, she sometimes even makes up countries when people quiz her about where she’s from. 

Tracey, of Pittsburg in Pennsylvania, USA, said: “I don’t always feel like explaining myself, so sometimes I joke and make up a place just to see if people will go along with it.

“My sense of humour has helped carry me and my family through this. I always tell them we shouldn’t be afraid of what happened to me - we should look on it as an adventure. 

“People don’t quite know how to take my accent, but I think if their first reaction is to laugh then they should go ahead and laugh. Life is too short to be serious all the time.”

German PA Real Life

At first, medics were unsure of exactly what was happening to Tracey

Having suffered migraines since she was in kindergarten, Tracey didn’t think much of it when she first started getting severe headaches around four years ago. 

But before long, the pain was virtually constant, and she also began to experience a build-up of pressure that she said made her head feel like a “marshmallow being squeezed”. 

After visiting the doctor, she was prescribed medication, but she said the side effects just made her symptoms worse. 

She explained: “My speech started to slur and my words would all come out jumbled. 

“My balance was affected too. Every time I tried to walk, I had to put my foot down five or six times before I could put any weight on it, and I’d be falling into walls.

“My whole body felt Like it had been sedated.”

German PA Real Life

On a bad day, her accent thickens and her speech does not flow correctly

At first, medics were unsure of exactly what was happening to Tracey. 

But then in March 2012, after being referred for a series of scans at Forbes Hospital in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, neurologists confirmed she had suffered a stroke. 

That October, she had a second store, which left her entire right side weak. 

At first, she was barely able to speak, having to communicate with her family via writing instead. 

Slowly, she relearned to talk through intensive speech therapy - but, to her astonishment, her accent was completely different. 

On a bad day, her accent thickens and her speech does not flow correctly. 

German PA Real Life

Tracey says she's now come to terms with what's happened

Tracey said: “I’ve come to terms with it now. It doesn’t freak me out anymore and I’m much more comfortable talking. 

“At my lowest, it can be physically exhausting trying to get my words out. 

“Low-Lighting and shadows can affect my balance and make it worse, which has a knock on affect on my speech.

“Even extreme emotions can worsen it. It’s all to do with my brain being vier-stimulated, so I have a hard time reading or being on the computer far too long.” 

These days, Tracey cannot go out alone and continues to struggle with her balance and motor skills. 

But despite this, she is remaining hopeful that she can one day find a doctor to help her. 

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