Sepsis WARNING: Jason Watkins tells of the agony of losing his daughter to the condition

SEPSIS is a life-threatening condition which sadly took the life of actor Jason Watkins two-year-old daughter Maude.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Jason Watkins discusses the tragic death of his daughter

Talking to the BBC Breakfast show, Jason Watkins opened up about losing his youngest daughter to sepsis

He said: “Leading up to Christmas in 2010, our daughter became ill with a cough, cold, and it seemed to get worse, heading towards flu. 

“We took her to see the GP and the GP suggested she go to a drop in A&E for children in the local hospital. 

“They treated her and gave her some steroid and some minor medications. 

Sepsis WARNING: Jason Watkins tells of losing his daughter to the condition BBC

Sepsis warning: Jason Watkins tells of the agony of losing his daughter

“We took her home, but we were then presented with the same symptoms the following day.” 

Sepsis symptoms in children under five includes a mottled, bluish or pale appearance, tiredness or difficulty to wake, being abnormally cold to touch, fast breathing, a rash that doesn’t fade when you press it and a fit or convulsion. 

Jason said they became increasingly worried over her breathing difficulties, and said she was displaying all those signs which we now know as sepsis. 

He said: “We went back to hospital and she was monitored for a couple of hours. She was then given more medication and sent home - this was New Year Eve. 

Sepsis WARNING: Jason Watkins tells of losing his daughter to the condition BBC TWO

Sepsis warning: Maude became unwell around Christmas in 2010

“We put her to bed and then went to see her in the morning. 

“Firstly, our older daughter had been trying to play with her in the bedroom. A couple of minutes later we went in and she had clearly died. 

“It was an awful, traumatic, hysterical and terribly painful event for all of us.” 

Many parents suffer from post traumatic stress disorder as a result of a loss of a child, but Jason reassured viewers the trauma does pass. 

Sepsis WARNING: Jason Watkins tells of losing his daughter to the condition BBC

Sepsis warning: Jason found Maud dead in her cot

In a diary entry he wrote at the time, to try and get over the ordeal, he said: “I will not be seen as the man who lost his daughter and that define me, I’ve got to be defined as the man who successfully learnt to cope with the tragedy of losing his daughter and in this way I will carry my family with me.” 

Jason’s eldest daughter, Bessie, who was three at the time, but now nine, also recently wrote down her thoughts about Maude. 

She wrote: “When Maude died I didn’t know what death was. I was in shock for a long time that I would never see her again. Maudy will never come back but she will always be in our hearts.” 

For anyone suffering in the same as Jason and his family did, he suggests seeking help from Child Bereavement UK and SLOW group. 

Jason revealed that as soon as he saw Maude in the cot, he realised his daughter was dead at the beginning of last year. 

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