Martin Lewis: Tory manifesto policies that should be dropped - poll reveals SHOCK result

MARTIN LEWIS has urged his Twitter followers to vote in a Money Saving Expert website poll - which Tory manifesto policy they’d like to see dropped - and the result so far may not be what you would expect.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Martin Lewis: The latest Money Saving Expert poll asks what Tory manifesto policies should be let go

The Money Saving Expert tweeted his followers today asking them to vote in a poll which is still ongoing on the Money Saving Expert website. 

He posted: “Which (if any) Tory manifesto policy would you like to see dropped? PLEASE VOTE in the MSE site poll…” 

Following last week’s General Election, Conservatives currently have the most MPs but not a majority in parliament. 

This means it’s unlikely they won’t be able to get every manifesto pledge through. 

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Martin Lewis: 14 of the Conservatives pledges are included in the poll

Which (if any) Tory manifesto policy would you like to see dropped? PLEASE VOTE in the MSE site poll…

The Money Saving Expert have listed 14 of the pledges in its poll and asked people to choose up to three they’d most like to see dropped. 

But the result of the poll at the moment may not be what people were expecting. 

‘Social care to be paid for by all with £100,000 + assets (incl property) - even if care’s delivered at home’  is currently one of two on top. 

But perhaps the most surprising is ‘Fox hunting free vote in Parliament to see if ban should be repealed’, which comes above ‘Corporation tax cut from 19 per cent to 17 per cent’. 

Martin Lewis explains how Lifetime ISAs work

Fox hunting was banned in 2004 by the Labour government, and is condemned by animal rights groups. 

But last month, Theresa May said she would hold a free vote on overturning the fox hunting ban in England and Wales if she returned as prime minister at the general election. 

Many campaigners have suggested the pledge lost the Conservatives a huge election majority.

However, the social care pledge currently holds 42 per cent of the vote, while the fox hunting pledge has 41 per cent of the vote. 

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Martin Lewis: The fox hunting ban to be repealed pledge is currently in the top two

Other areas people have appear to feel strongly about are ‘Free school lunches to be replaced with free school breakfasts (except for poorest students) with 33 per cent of the vote and ‘UK to leave single market and customs union as part of Brexit’ with 32 per cent of the vote. 

Whether the results will remain the same when the poll finishes, is yet to be seen. 

To vote in the Money Saving Expert poll, visit 

This week, Martin Lewis is urging viewers to open a Lifetime ISA which has only just launched. 

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