Prince William and Kate to meet Obama, Jay Z, Beyonce & Tom Hanks on A-list New York trip

PRINCE William will meet US President Barack Obama at the White House as he and Kate visit the US on a glittering landmark tour beginning on Sunday.

By Richard Palmer , Royal Correspondent

During the visit to the US, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will meet President Obama GETTY

During the visit to the US, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will meet President Obama

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will be feted by the stars and the great and good in New York City and Washington DC during a three-day official visit, their first to the US East Coast.

This visit underscores the special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom

White House statement

William, 32, will travel solo to Washington on Monday to meet President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, while Kate stays in New York to visit children in the tough Harlem district.

In the Big Apple, the future King will also meet US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea at a reception highlighting the mutual work of the Clinton Foundation and William, Kate, and Harry's Royal Foundation in promoting conservation work.

The Duke and Duchess, who are leaving Prince George at home with his nanny, are likely to meet New York showbiz royalty, such as rapper Jay Z and his wife Beyonce, when they attend a basketball match between the Brooklyn Nets and Cleveland Cavaliers on Monday. 

The following day they will host a celebration of British creative talent in New York and then attend a 600th anniversary dinner at the Metropolitan Museum of Art for St Andrews University, where they met and fell in love. 

Among the guests will be Hollywood star Tom Hanks, whose daughter Liz, a writer, graduated from the university in 2004.

In Washington on Monday, William, accompanied by Leader of the Commons William Hague, will attend a conference at the World Banks on corruption involved in the illegal trade in wildlife.

In a statement, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said the meeting between President Obama and William will be in the Oval Office.

He said: "President Obama will host Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, for a meeting in the Oval Office on Monday, December 8. The Vice President and Dr Biden will also host the Duke of Cambridge for a separate meeting in the White House.

"The Duke of Cambridge, who is visiting New York with the Duchess of Cambridge on December 7-9, will travel to Washington on December 8 to deliver remarks at the World Bank, where he will discuss efforts to fight illegal wildlife trafficking.

"The President welcomes the Prince's work in this global fight against what is both a national security threat and a devastating environmental problem. In February, in support of the President's Executive Order and in parallel with efforts at the London Conference on the Illegal Wildlife Trade, which the Duke of Cambridge attended, the Administration announced its National Strategy for Combatting Wildlife Trafficking. 

"That strategy mobilises the entire US government to combat this threat.

"This will be the Duke of Cambridge's first visit to Washington, DC. The President looks forward to thanking the Duke of Cambridge for the hospitality shown to him by the Royal Family during the President's recent visits to the United Kingdom.

"This visit underscores the special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom."

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